Oh yes, the Hybrid Crossbowman. The bane of my existence, the reason I start to despise this dreadful game. There was once a time when you could have fun on cRPG, it was about being unique and using different armor combinations. There was a time when you leveled up to use new equipment, not to retire and get more heirlooms. Now all I see when I join a server is five guys in a tower with crossbows and greatswords, and all of the cavalry stacked on one team rolling the server. Everyone is beginning to use the same armor sets, weapons and everyday I see cRPG slowly becoming Native with a nice multiplayer addition (strategus).
For awhile I just ignored it, I pretended looms didn't even exist, I just played without retiring or worrying about how awesome my weapons needed to be. And then it just got worse, everyone else was using heirloomed weapons and they were starting to replace currency, so I did what everyone else did and I started to get heirloom points from retiring, and I used them to get my Flamberge to Masterwork status. About then I noticed that every other player was using some form of ranged backup weapon, or used a two-handed sword and lance from horseback. It's getting to the point that I really have to grind myself down to my last internal fragments of sanity to play this god damned game without just giving up and rage quitting. I want to have fun, I really do.
I'm not saying hybrids should be nerfed, or buffed, or even terminated for that matter. I simply wish to see the return of the
fun in the game, for it's the worst nerf of them all. The game is no longer about having a good time and leveling up, it's all about how many heirlooms you have and how many ways you can combine ranged with melee and still be a death machine either way. Crossbows take no skill to use, put ten points (or none) into crossbow WPF and you're instantly (or already) a bolt spitting dead accurate killing machine. Not enough? Put a few points into riding (you probably already had them left over) and use the two together.
I'd like to see the ability to use Polearms and 1h or 2h / 1h viably again, not just ranged and melee, melee and melee.
Buff fun 2012
EDIT: Not trying to shit on your hybrid parade here, just sharing my deep opinions on where this game is going in my eyes.
* Artyem prepares for incoming wave of -1's from the hundreds of hybrid crossbowmen