Okay, so at the risk of looking severely mentally unbalanced, let's unlock this thread. Once again, my experience lays only in NA_1.
I suppose the major problem lies in a disproportionate ratio of HA/HX on one team. Really, here's the problem. Say a newish player (because older players aren't likely to quit this mod) is one of the last people on a team. Suddenly, he is surrounded by 3-4 HX. There is literally nothing that he can do to avoid dying to this, even if he or she is an extremely intelligent and skilled player. If he is surrounded by any number of melee or unmounted ranged, he can engage them and at least ATTEMPT to emerge the victor. This is impossible when fighting even a single HA or HX that is targeting that player, much less multiple HX/HA.
Against someone of higher level and skill that is, for example, a 2h soldier, the new player can at least visualize himself eventually beating them once he levels up and gains more combat experience. Against an HX, the new player can NEVER emerge victorious unless the HA/HX decides to take damage by either being silly or stupid, or the new player is an archer or thrower. Even then, against multiple HA/HX, he or she is absolutely fucked.
Now, the main problem is that I cannot think of a single way to prevent this, besides completely eliminating HA/HX from the game, or nerfing them into oblivion so that they are unviable classes. Of course, this won't happen, nor should it. All of the classes possible in warband should be allowed, and viable. However, they should not be as "gay" (for lack of a better term) as they are.
Oh, and as an afterthought, HA/HX are inherently more likely to delay without breaking the rules. They are, after all, simply "playing their class" It frustrates everyone in the server without a multiplicator to see a 1v15 battle where the single person is a range cavalry, shooting at medium-long range until they receive an unlucky (or very fortunate from the point of view of everyone else) projectile to the dome.