Well Xant is right in that Leshma isn't presenting any facts or proof to what he's claiming and so it sounds mostly like nonsense or plain assumptions. All this feels weird though because last I checked Leshma was pro-SC actually and nonsense and false assumptions are for Derek Smart & Co.
I was pro-SC but it's kinda hard to keep it that way when dark destiny is looming above this project. My money is on the line, although not being much and possibly already went down the drain and never to be seen again.
Some things you should know about last night livestream. First, they were caught up in a lie red handed. CR was stating how he played Star Citizen PTU 2.0 for an hour, yet when they setup it for him he was like "what the fuck is this shit and why it isn't working". So much for that...
Planetary landing demo was designed in a very specific way. Focus was heavily on atmospheric scattering, presumably because it is beautiful but it's there because of two things.
First being fact that Horizons which released two days ago as full working expansion doesn't have it. Because every planet in Horizons is barren rock without atmosphere. They don't want to add it before everything is finished, including atmospheric flight mechanics.
Planet in demo is called Levski and moon so close to it (lel) is Delamar. Thing about Levski though, it has been shown awhile ago as part of Nyx landing demo and in that demo it didn't have any atmosphere. Like it shouldn't. But they slapped atmo on it to show off what competition doesn't have.
Second reason is to hide basic terrain, which is rather flat and uniform. Something many computer graphics graduates do in their free time as part of their master thesis. There is nothing groundbreaking about that terrain, you can find plenty of similar examples all over youtube and internet. Interesting part is where premade terrain and props blend with procedurally generated terrain. It's not done too shabby but you can see the difference clearly. If whole planet had those pointy, believable rocks instead of wavy hills then we could call it advanced. Then comes generation of other things, for terras with life. Something they most likely don't have at this stage.
Coolest part of that demo is that in orbit space station. Looks hella cool and better than current stations in alpha. Worst part is complete absence of gravity on planet which means that space can't orbit it and probably never will. Also something about mass is way off in their physics engine, ships are too damn light.