So far, Hospitaller-started fights -> 100% terrible times
hero_party-started fights -> 100% primetime
Seriously, Hospitaller, you're making your enemies look good with your complete disregard for battle timing. Please fix.
We've initiated 5 battles with hero_party so far. 3 in the morning (one early morning) 2 in the evening.
Unriya (first siege) was in prime time. The battle for Mawiti was in prime time. The battle for Habba was at a terrible time for everyone (even EU people, but referring to both sides in NA fighting this war).
Jimmy and Virus open field battles were mid-morning yesterday (bad timing, but they had to attack when they were given the chance or the enemies would be able to get to a fief to hide).
The only one that could have been avoided was Aztek's 7am CST battle this morning at Habba, but he was out of town yesterday and we're lucky that he was even able to attack the village, otherwise it would have been another couple days.
This is no different than strat 3, our enemies are constantly spinning everything into a conspiracy. According to our enemies we're the big bad imperialists, going on a nation building exercise. We will do anything to gain a little more territory, even if that means picking on the little guy. We're the aggressors here, not hero_party. We can't win a fight during peak NA hours, so we are resorting to scheduling our battles and sieges in the morning for NA.
Oh wait, all of that is actually false, and is propaganda. What's new, it's the diplomacy section. I don't know how many times I have to point it out, but hero_party attacked a castle that already had a lord. We informed them that he was being backed by our faction (he was our vassal in the previous faction, and when they disbanded he remained loyal to us and vice versa) and if they continued with the siege (and/or didn't retreat or return the castle) there would be a war caused because of it. They are the aggressors, we aren't interested in expanding into the desert, and the battle times are just the way it is. One was at a terrible time and could have been avoided, the two open field battles yesterday morning were can't control when your enemy is moving on the map.
I know these posters aren't logically impaired, so obviously they are spinning the facts as much as possible to gain support and make us look like we're the aggressors picking on the little guy, when that couldn't be farther from the truth. But the people coming to your defense in the forums are either ignorant to the facts, or already have a grudge against us, so are more willing to believe anything negative said about us.