Author Topic: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]  (Read 11872 times)

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2012, 05:01:38 pm »
A few corrections:

1.  You made the Remnant alliance announcement at same time you declared war on LLJK, so 2 clans on 1 from beginning
2.  Auphilia failed miserably in diplomacy accusing FCC of allying with LLJK (we never did or have) because we had 3 mercs on their side - basically pushing more of our members to sign up against her (not really for LLJK, just against her for being such a bitch in diplomacy)
3.  I heard you stole over a 1000 S&D from Velucan Empire without asking, another failed diplomacy
4.  You got chevalieres to attack LLJK fiefs early on so 3 v 1 at that time.
5.  Those horrible time slots you speak of - you were the attackers, you chose all those time slots, which were horrible for defenders and you are the one complaining???
6. I invited you to our ts to recruit our mercs, but instead you snubbed us and never showed like you said you would, while phantomzero was polite and asked
7.  And as of now you still have 3 v 1 with 1 random dude raiding a castle and a few of your caravans getting raided for stealing S&D, if you are this weak, why did you make your agreement with Remnant that you get every LLJK fief??  If your clan was so inactive, how did you expect to be handle all those fiefs/?  Or were you just getting too greedy??
8. I have nothing against Shogunate, but with Auphilia kicked out (fake resignation) your standing with me and the people I know just went way up.  Feel free to hop on our ts at any time.

P.S. Auphilia - I still think a WILD NINJA is hunting you down and you don't have a clan to die for you now, just an FYI.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 05:13:13 pm by Keshian »  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2012, 05:07:11 pm »
BTW, I forgot to add you HG guys to the Special Thanks part of the video, so thank you for your support in the war. I enjoyed doing business with you guys.

No problem Auphilia, we marched proudly with your forces.
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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2012, 05:22:28 pm »
War was formally declared 3rd October. First shots were fired September 24th. We had no mercenaries when we started it and had to desperately find someone to help us, Chevaliers to their credit signed up for it. The formal declaration of war came with an alliance with Remnants. An alliance that guaranteed  that we'd get mercenaries to sign up for us and troops in case we needed them. Up until yesterday/this morning we hadn't even used those troops.

I heard we had an agreement with Velucan Empire which was why some traders were sent there. Apparently the agreement fell through, for whatever reason. I never heard the details of the agreement though, so it may have been a misunderstanding.

Finding good timeslots for a faction consisting of 5 active EU members and 5 active NA members can be tough.

Auphilia told us weeks ago that he is signing up for the army, which is part reason why we entered a war as soon as we did. There was always a time limit, however that time limit was a little vague since Auphilia did not know when he would be shipping out exactly. Personally I had no interest in leading strat and was glad when Nomin stepped up to do my part. In the process Nomin burned out along with Auphilia

The agreement with Remnants was entirely feasible since LLJK was small aswell and with the help of Remnants and Chev's mercenaries were no problem.
And Auphilia's resignation along with Nomin's are quite legitimate. I will most likely be assuming the role of a leader soon.

Don't worry, gentlemen. This is not the last you'll hear of the Shogunate. Not meant as a threat :)
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 05:32:06 pm by Ninja_Khorin »

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2012, 05:39:59 pm »
Don't worry, gentlemen. This is not the last you'll hear of the Shogunate.
Damn, I was just starting to hope...  :(
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2012, 05:59:11 pm »
The Josho Shogunate

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Lots and Lots of Jolly Knights

The whole self-pity party is a bit annoying, when you have 94 v 30.  You don't see LLJK bitching out and crying facing utter annihilation by a 3-clan alliance/merc contract because 3v1 - all their posts have been crying defiance till the end.  You get a couple caravans raided and 1 random ninja raiding your castle and get trolled on the forums a little and suddenly "the whole world is against you" and you resign.  You are still winning and could easily have a favorable peace if you are too tired, or just choose better times to attack.

Also, to put in perspective that most clans are your size (and to show how a free and civilized society has more than 1 dictatorial leader):

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2012, 06:03:15 pm »
I would say you're quitting too early in the game, but...

You really have to have no life to play strategus.

QFT. A more elegant nighttime solution would make my addiction to cRPG less harmful to real life. If SWF ever gets a fief again (doubtful, what with TugBOAT always signing up against us), it will make things more complicated, rather than less.

I really, really don't understand all of the hatred directed at weeaboos in these forums. If you want to RP anti-Japanese sentiment in the Diplomacy and Mercenary Recruitment forums, that's all well and good, but the people aggressively posting ad hominem don't give me the impression they're having fun--that they want Auphilia & Co. gone from the game, not their players gone from the map. It also seemed that some people had trouble separating RP conflict from player-to-player conflict. If Auphilia wants to call your factions out for ganging up on the Josho Shogunate, there's no need to get defensive out of character; it really is just a game, and as far as I could tell, Auphilia was treating it as such.

Do you also have trouble separating your in-game avatar, who runs around with swords and shit, from your actual, physical person, or is it just an inability to process language, or perhaps an inability to abstract the metagame from the game? (This is an honest question. It will directly affect my approach to diplomacy here in the future, assuming I'm not wiped off the map in the coming weeks.)
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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2012, 06:08:00 pm »
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HEY YO! I just want to point out that Remnants have gloriously done nothing worth speaking of so far.

Couching tiger, napping dragon style. That's how we procrastinate roll.
For while the fire in the heart of a single Remnant still burns... can Stratia truly have fallen?

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2012, 06:11:47 pm »
You are still winning and could easily have a favorable peace if you are too tired, or just choose better times to attack.
Yes, of course we could still win. But when there's no interest in the game anymore, winning becomes meaningless. We have 750 troops at Shariz. Close to 1000 available at our lands + the gold to equip them. This is between the fiefs and me. And then there are the Remnant armies. Plus whatever is on the random members in the faction.

The point is not that we can't win. It's just that the interest in the war has gone to zero. We have other plans now.
Don't regret it, though. Had a few good fights in it.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 06:17:12 pm by Ninja_Khorin »

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2012, 06:13:56 pm »
The captain leaves the sinking ship as the last!
No respect!
..Was the correct thread
I loot corpses of their golden teeth.
But he'll be around somewhere between Heaven and The Devil, because neither of them will take him in, and he'll be farting loudly and singing a filthy song.

i'll be there at around

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2012, 06:22:34 pm »
I really, really don't understand all of the hatred directed at weeaboos in these forums. If you want to RP anti-Japanese sentiment in the Diplomacy and Mercenary Recruitment forums, that's all well and good, but the people aggressively posting ad hominem don't give me the impression they're having fun--that they want Auphilia & Co. gone from the game, not their players gone from the map. It also seemed that some people had trouble separating RP conflict from player-to-player conflict. If Auphilia wants to call your factions out for ganging up on the Josho Shogunate, there's no need to get defensive out of character; it really is just a game, and as far as I could tell, Auphilia was treating it as such.

Do you also have trouble separating your in-game avatar, who runs around with swords and shit, from your actual, physical person, or is it just an inability to process language, or perhaps an inability to abstract the metagame from the game? (This is an honest question. It will directly affect my approach to diplomacy here in the future, assuming I'm not wiped off the map in the coming weeks.)

I am a little confused exactly who or what this is directed at? Which ad hominem attacks are you referring to in this thread? Everyone in here is basically calling out Auphilia for saying one thing while doing another and being a hypocrite in general. You see where multiple people dislike the fact he is saying how he was being ganged up on while doing the exact same thing to us right? The whole claim of being ganged up on comes from Chaos attacking one of their traders due to S&D being used without Canary's consent and a guy who left FCC to come attack them for fun. 
Quote from: chadz
No matter how long you guys cry - I will not give in to dumbing strategus down because some people just want battles. If all you want are battles, then play cRPG, not strat. There are other people who like advanced gameplay.


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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2012, 06:36:51 pm »
I guess killing fake Muslims online wasn't good enough for you.
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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2012, 06:42:09 pm »
This will be my last post on this matter.

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We were and still are in a position to win the war against you. The Shogunate will continue under new management and if they decide to continue the war against you, they are fully capable of winning it due to the effort that Auphilia and I have put into the war so far. We have the troops, equipment and money to wipe you from strat in the next 7 days, should we still choose to - you lost to our first assaults and your losses are far greater than ours have been, this was only designed as the first wave of attacks and you barely survived. The second wave would be your death knell.

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1. While on paper we had two clans from the beginning, so far only one Remnant army has engaged you in battle (how they lose is beyond me, I wasn't at the battle, so I don't know). There was of course Maeday's trade caravan who attacked you in your lands and won, that was pure chance and not by design.
2. I have no comment to make.
3. This was a mistake by a semi-active trader and one which we were in the process of resolving with the Velucans.
4. Chevaliers never attacked anyone for us. The only attack they have made which was even vaguely related was against a trader who was trading in a legitimately closed city - we knew of this well over a day before he traded there.
5. The time slots were because of necessity, not design. Had the sides been reversed and you were leading our armies, you would have attacked at the same times - lest our armies get away from you and come back stronger.
6. I have no comment to make.
7. I've already said it is not 3 on 1, and we've had some trading issues with semi-active traders, all of these issues we fully intended to resolve, given time to do so.

RE P.S. If a wild ninja were hunting Auphilia, they would attack Auphilia, not a Castle which was far away from where Auphilia was. Additionally, it's a fake ninja, since they are not a member of clan Ninja.

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You're underestimating Khorin, we have at least double that number. But yes, we could still easily win the war. LLJK is bested, even if they don't know it yet, which is the reason that I don't feel bad for stepping down now while we're in the driving seat. I will however, continue writing my strat 4 story, because I am enjoying that and when the shogunate stops playing strat, I will release it onto the forums for all of you to enjoy - hopefully you will take it as a work of fiction based on "real" events, as that is what it is (kinda like "A Beautiful Mind").

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The difference, Rikthor, is that while we had more factions against you, this is true, our affiliations were public from the start (which the exception of Chevaliers, who haven't fielded an army for us, only merced thus are an exception). Where as those outside forces who wished to see us fail have never publicly said so, thus making each new attack a surprise (although seeing as both of them were affiliated with FCC, the pattern has emerged).
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 06:51:54 pm by Ptolemy »

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #27 on: October 08, 2012, 06:45:59 pm »
The numbers I posted did not include the troops the rest of our members hold. Just me and you + whatever we have inside the fiefs

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #28 on: October 08, 2012, 06:46:30 pm »
Strat is a hard thing to enjoy unless you're in a faction that is completely dominating. It breeds hatred, drama, and suffering at every turn.

All I wanted was an honorable battle in which Auphilia and I commanded a set number troops against each other with the same themed equipment. I totally dig the ninja/samurai theme and desired to have a glorious battle with a faction I heavily respected, because in two months everyone is going to be fully tin-canned with +3 weapons of doom and I only wanted to bring a little flavor to the world before happens.

It is impossible for me to get my wish now that Auphilia has committed seppuku. Khorin, please have someone get in contact with me after the coming battle at Unuzdaq Castle and list the resources lost. We can discuss re-reimbursement for your people if you desire it. I probably wont have your support with any future endeavors, but if your people wish to merc or join up with me on upcoming ninja missions I will hire you all with the highest priority and pay well.
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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #29 on: October 08, 2012, 07:16:47 pm »
I am a little confused exactly who or what this is directed at? Which ad hominem attacks are you referring to in this thread? Everyone in here is basically calling out Auphilia for saying one thing while doing another and being a hypocrite in general. You see where multiple people dislike the fact he is saying how he was being ganged up on while doing the exact same thing to us right? The whole claim of being ganged up on comes from Chaos attacking one of their traders due to S&D being used without Canary's consent and a guy who left FCC to come attack them for fun.

I'm not referring to this thread. I'm referring to the ad hominem attacks on Auphilia in general. It just seems that half the Strategus players can't separate the player from the avatar, and take role-playing diplomacy (whether good or bad diplomacy) as personal address. The reactions just seem inappropriate, considering how little effect any of the role-playing words have on anyone's real life.
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