Author Topic: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]  (Read 10626 times)

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Offline Auphilia

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落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« on: October 08, 2012, 01:20:04 pm »
We meet again, fellow cRPG community, only this time less enthusiastic than before. However, before I continue, please feel free to view this video dedicated to the now ex-leadership of the Josho Shogunate.

Consider this my formal resignation as Empress of the Josho Shogunate.

This may be sudden and unexpected from some of you, and for that I will tell the tale once more.

In my early life I was known as Mistress Auphilia, leader of the Kunoichi. The Kunoichi were a deadly bunch of assassins who served me loyally. Upon my reign as a crimelord and duelist, I made many enemies and defeated them the same.
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After hearing of the coming of strategus (4), my ambitions drove me to abandoned my old life. I rode from village to village gathering all those who were familiar with Bushido and Ninjitsu. Before long, every competent ninja and samurai in the North Lands acknowledged me as their Empress and thus the Josho Shogunate was formed.
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My loyal Kunoichi followed me to honor and gave up their cold ways, founding the Kogado (Empress Great Guard).
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With the combined power of Red Lotus, Ninja, Aoi Akuma, and the Kogado, the Josho Shogunate could participate in the glory of strategus.

My preparations were set, and strategus dawned. We planned on neighboring with those who birthed Aoi Akuma, out of respect for this new clan. This put us next to TKoV in the fiefs of New Nomar and New Vyincourd Castle. To our surprise, instead of being honored for our show of friendship, TKoV claimed our lands and threatened us to leave. Realizing how hostile they portrayed themselves to be, they offered instead to help us relocate to a different nearby land. Before long I became Empress Auphilia of Halmar and we quickly obtained the fiefs in the vicinity, except for one; New Amashke. Peaceful negotiations were attempted with Muki, the owner of this fief, however, he demanded 25k gold and refused the lands we offered in exchange. 25k gold doesn't sound like a lot now, but it did at the beginning of strategus. We decided to leave Muki alone, for now, and pursue more concerning matters. We had strategic interest in obtaining New Jameyyed Castle, as it would protect our borders into the desert, this was made public and known. Unfortunately, this castle was owned by PhantomZero, leader of Lots and Lots of Jolly Knights, known aggressor of samurai, and carrier of 200 crates with lightly armed troops. We took the opportunity to stop PhantomZero from reinforcing this castle by attacking him in the field and starting the War of the Green Boar. The series of attacks forced PhantomZero to flee the lands and forfeit his goods.
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We weren't really ready for war, neither was he, but we saw an opportunity and we seized the moment.

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Unaware of the importance of mercenary support, the shogunate failed to recruit competent soldiers as PhantomZero aspired to turn all he could against us with his propaganda. After the first two battles, every major faction in NA had signed up against us other than Astralis and Chevaliers who supported our cause. TKoV broke their word to us. Eventually war was declared on us by multiple members of the FCC and other clans. We were surprised about this and realized that PhantomZero would continue appealing every clan against us unless we took our own initiative to obtain allies. We wanted a strong and reliable faction to aid us in our war, and we chose the Remnants. The cost was great, but the spoils of war would prove greater.

After many battles Lots and Lots of Jolly Knights were being ultimately crushed by the Josho Shogunate. They had lost every major conflict, over 500 crates of goods, one of their villages, and their leader had been defeated in battle multiple times. The war was soon to end. The last LLJK army of over 400 men waited in Shariz as we lay siege. 300 of the troops in this army came from GODKING_Partyboy_BIRD, who was quickly brought to justice. FCC denied affiliation with this man, or others who have aided our enemy and refused to take responsibility. Outraged that the Shogunate took matters into their own hands by delivering justice ourselves, even more FCC members (or affiliated) began plotting hostilities towards us.

The next few days proved to be more than lightening to the dark truth of strategus. TKoV ended our trade agreements due to lack of S&D, HRE and Chaos both attacked our caravans the later being a total of 184 goods, and the FCC assaulted one of our castles. Hostilities from half of the map within a few days. The war between us and LLJK has been the longest and earliest major conflict in the entirety of NA, with the Chevaliers conquests coming second. The rest of the large factions sat idly and waited for the opportunity to fight an opponent that could not defend themselves from four fronts. All of the known enemies of Hospitallers have been hostile to us this strategus, possibly based on rumors of the Shogunate planning to ally with them. These rumors were completely false. The Shogunate wanted nothing to do with either mega alliance. We wanted our independence. Afraid we had already made our choice and joined the Hospitaller's side, the rest of the map seemingly favored hostility towards us. We had reports of TKoV planning to assault us after breaking their trade agreement, we had been threatened and assaulted by the FCC, Chaos attacked us for a measly 184 good even though we were letting one of their members have 400 of our S&D that same day, not to mention already participating weeks of war with LLJK during all of this. They feared us joining Hospitallers? Hospitallers are the only ones who have not shown hostility. We won't be joining them, or any mega alliances for that matter. Well at least I won't be, I don't speak for the shogunate anymore. However, the irony of the matter is painfully absurd.

Apparently there is nothing one can to in strategus to avoid the tyranny of mega alliances and the constant trolling in these forums. I have lost the most active and supportive officer in the entire Josho Shogunate because of this. Some members of this community make this game a chore, a punishment even. We tried to introduce a real theme to strategus (regardless of how disadvantaged it made us) and provide a somewhat entertaining roleplay for everyone to enjoy. Instead of wearing the same gear everyone else wears and using the same weapons and shields, we tried something different. It is true, we didn't plan on surviving strategus, but we definitely didn't plan on having half of the map against us at relatively the same time.

On a more personal level, there simply hasn't been enough activity in our clan for members to be able to play casually. Those who are active are forced to do the work of over 40 players. Those who are active AND willing are even less common. With Ninja Nomin gone, the entirety of the work involved in sustaining and managing the Josho Shogunate falls into my hands. When I created this alliance, I made it so there would be three leaders. The Empress, the shogun, and the master ninja. Out of these, I have been the only active. When I created this alliance, I expected Red Lotus to be the largest and most active clan, it turned out to be the least active clan. Aoi Akuma joined only to renounce their involvement and support immediately when strat began. Kokuren, who joined promising at least 6 active members, has only shown two members who actually get into TS, and none who are active on the daily level. I thought I learned my lesson when I founded Red Lotus and could avoid this situation, apparently not. It can be very stressful having a castle attacked with multiple members inside of it and many more members in the immediate area, yet not a single one of them online or active enough to reinforce and protect their lands. It can be very stressful trying to finish a war with a bunch of dots that only move every few days. It can be very stressful having the only people who are taking initiative to trade and build armies doing it in the wrong lands and making me have to deal with annoyed clan leaders. Strategus has been so much work, I don't even get to play the game anymore. During the war with LLJK, the majority of the battles were late at night or early morning, bad times for everyone. Every time I get to the computer I have dozens of steam messages and all kinds of people trying to tell me more problems that I need to fix lol. You really have to have no life to play strategus. That or a huge faction with dozens of active and competent officers willing to turn this game into a day job. Yeah, I've had no life for quite some time and was able to dedicate a lot of time to this game, but that is changing. I swear in to the military this coming Wednesday and get shipped off in a few months. I definitely don't want to spend this time being trolled in forums and stressing over internet horses. Strategus battles aren't the same when you are a faction leader. Instead of seeing people having fun, you see all the logistics. When someone dies, its not that simple anymore. All you see is a ticket lost, equipment wasted, gold wasted, time/effort wasted. This is why you hear people getting pissed off when their team is suffering heavy casualties. I mean, I haven't been lost that far into it yet, but I can feel it now and I know it's not somewhere I want to be.

All this being said, I did enjoy parts of strategus that you simply can't experience in battle or siege. I appreciate all the diplomacy some of you guys have done with me, and I appreciate everyone who has put effort into our cause.

Maybe I'll just spectate strategus and make people videos/pictures of their adventures, I actually enjoy that kind of stuff. I will end this mega rant by saying, no I'm not quitting crpg (but I will be when I leave to the military I think), and if there is any unfinished business in strategus (ALLIES ONLY  :wink:) I will still put effort into seeing to them.

BTW, I forgot to add you HG guys to the Special Thanks part of the video, so thank you for your support in the war. I enjoyed doing business with you guys. Usually I re-read things before I post them...but even I'm feeling the TL:DR.  :lol:

[also spelled Chevaliers wrong in the video  :mrgreen: oops]
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 01:25:40 pm by Auphilia »

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2012, 01:28:38 pm »
poor weeabo girl  :(
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Offline Vibe

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2012, 01:31:50 pm »
So basically you expected to have a fair fight/war? Are you new?

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2012, 01:35:14 pm »
So basically you expected to have a fair fight/war? Are you new?
I also heard that on the NA territory there is no great alliances and there is very comfortable and interesting for small clans who are tired of UIF and ANTI-UIF  :?
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Offline Auphilia

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2012, 01:38:13 pm »
So basically you expected to have a fair fight/war? Are you new?

It isn't just the fighting. I think I typed about 20 minutes worth of other reasons

But no, I didn't expect a fair fight, but I also didn't expect hostility from every faction in NA lolz

Not that it matters now.

And no Vovka, NA has two major sides, doesn't matter how much they deny it. If you aren't allied to one, you are their enemies. I made the mistake of trying to remain independent instead of trying to ally with them BOTH  :rolleyes:

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2012, 01:53:48 pm »
So are u just giving up ur 5 fiefs?
Pock gobblers

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2012, 01:54:34 pm »
So are u just giving up ur 5 fiefs?
No. Not just giving up. Further plans will be revealed within a few days.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 02:09:31 pm by Ninja_Khorin »

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2012, 02:24:21 pm »
''By Artyem a man of wise words''

No man or woman before has matched the might of the Jolly Knights.  Every opponent before has collapsed in the field of battle against the green empire and their allies.

On the bright side, a great song will be written in tribute of the foolish shogunate that is destined to fall in the near future.


This sums it all up good.
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Offline Auphilia

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2012, 02:29:21 pm »
''By Artyem a man of wise words''

This sums it all up good.

Caught myself almost replying to you.  :rolleyes:

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2012, 02:31:00 pm »
Caught myself almost replying to you.  :rolleyes:
Yet you did.

Offline Weewum

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2012, 03:12:58 pm »
Commit Less-than-honorable-seppuku moar.

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2012, 03:38:54 pm »

welcome to goodbye from Strat!

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For while the fire in the heart of a single Remnant still burns... can Stratia truly have fallen?

Offline LordBerenger

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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2012, 03:41:33 pm »

welcome to goodbye from Strat!

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Goodbye from strat and HELLOOOOO REMNANTS!
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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2012, 04:10:49 pm »
So basically you expected to have a fair fight/war? Are you new?

Actually senior Vibe, it has never been a fair fight. As princess weeaboo-boo admitted that launched a surprise attack on Phantom who was essentially in less than peasant gear, then took advantage of the strat freeze after Ayn Assaudi was taken to attack him at 4something AM eastern, to punt Phantom to EU. This was from a group already as large, if not larger than us. Then they allied with Remnant and with Chevaliers, although the Chevaliers never came out publicly since they are vassals and Hospitallers according to Valdian were not in support of the measure. Hospitallers basically said they let them do as they please but would not support them with troops, resources, etc. They also approached Hospitallers directly about an alliance, again from Valdian.

This whole woe is me, LLJK shouldn't get to hire mercs is garbage and he knows it. He flat out tried claiming FCC was our ally because Kesh and two other members we hired as mercs, fought for us in the very first freaking battle. Nevermind, the fact they had been hiring mercs themselves. Tydeus and Smoothrich both fought for them but you didn't see us running and crying, saying how that isn't fair. NH, Hospitallers, etc. have all merced for them, yet we didn't go to the forums and spout garbage how that means they are in an alliance. They still literally think BIRD clan is apart of FCC, in a non-ironic fashion.

I personally think their name should be changed and have shogunate expunged from it. Say what you want about Ujin, at least he and the Shogunate/Byzantium in Strat 2 fought to the end. They didn't crumple like a deck of cards at the first sign of trouble.

Farewell Princess Weeaboo-boo,

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Quote from: chadz
No matter how long you guys cry - I will not give in to dumbing strategus down because some people just want battles. If all you want are battles, then play cRPG, not strat. There are other people who like advanced gameplay.


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Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2012, 04:59:44 pm »
Maybe you guys shouldn't be such fucking bitches? I mean ffs, you guys bitched about me applying for GODKING PARTYBOY so he had 3 mercs instead of 2 vs your much more full roster...  :rolleyes:
You accuse FCC of being allies with LLJK because a few members merced against you and because a member left the clan in order to attack you assholes... ...oh and poor fucking you, a few guys attacked your caravans, get fucking over it... ...seriously, you whine about your faction members not being that active in strat, how fucking pathetic going on here and whining about "OH I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING, POOR FUCKING ME *CUTS MYSELF*" if you can't manage your own fucking clan and make sure everyone are active or make an efficient system so you get some guys to get some guys to get some guys to get some guys to do something then either your players don't want to do strat and you should respect that, or you've not tried hard enough, either way, for not respecting their choice or for not trying hard enough, you suck at leading...
...and finally, throwing in that you're joining the army so people won't call you a quitter bitch is fucking pathetic.
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.