Nerf ranged and shielders, 2h/pole is fine.
Sincerely, a (Long?) Bardiche user
2H and poles are not fine.
2h cause of lolstab and too friendly animation which allows them not to bounce of on terrible aimed swings.
Pole arms cause longspers and pikes and lances. Lonspears and pikes should be buffed in speed but nerfed in terms of damage that way they will bounce of more often on point blank thrusts and become more uncontrollable in term of their unballance. Dirty trick like thrust through teammate will be much more difficult cause of speed. Heavy lance and lance speed should be buffed too cause their slowness is actually bonus. Thrust of HL and lance is too controllable (almost homing in case of HL) and damage bonus from horse speed is ridiculous comparing to light lance (not comparing 1h from horse cause their damage is from fairy tale about knight slaying dragon with his sword). Light lance should be more expansive its not so good on horse but is excellent foot weapon for its price.
Now crushtrought weaps. Everyone must agree thet 2H are better then poles. My dislike to them is almost same as to overbuffet archers. I like some heroes saying come to siege there are almost no archers. And for what? To be crushed to dead by them. If you are lucky you can block overhead if you are crushed trough block and still standing you are lucky otherwise you are dead.