choppy = dead
Compare duelling on Native to duelling on cRPG. There is an enormous difference in smoothness even though I am running both with 123 fps consistently, maybe this is just me but I doubt it. Ofcourse Native duelling has its own problems, but as far as smoothness goes it definitely beats cRPG. Everything in cRPG feels really dodgy and unresponsive.
Gameplay smoothness should be high priority, cause the gameplay is probably why most of us are still here. Maybe all these added scripts and whatever it is the devs do under the hood is making the base gameplay less stable and smooth? If it was up to me I would rather play duel without points for example than sluggish duel with points.
Then there is another issue I have. Animations do not always fully match the hits they do. I mean that you get hit before or after you see the enemy hitting you. This happens to all kinds of attacks, but I can mostly blame this on lagging or server hiccups. Stabs though, in whatever form they come, seem to do this a lot since the new stab hit detection thingy. It hits you early, very early. Try to chamber a 2h exactly when you see your weapon hitting the incoming 2h. This used to be rather easy and reliable, now its kind of a gamble, cause you can't really trust the visual cue anymore.
Guess my main goal with this thread is to ask the devs to not forget the gameplay we all love and that they should make sure it works smoothly above any semi-useless stuff, cause it is a rather vital part to my and I hope other's enjoyment of the game.