Good archers know that the most efficient position on the battlefield is by flanking and keeping a safe distance (archers aren't xbowers, don't confuse things), be it by medium range, or long range, depending on the scene, and always keeping in mind the ability to support the melee group encounters. Not 3 meters from a melee jedi.
For score e-peen proposes I guess it's ok, but if proximity gets to weight on the future xp/gold gains, then the mod will be doomed by the obvious reasons, and past experiences. It is in no way, a viable measure to xp/gold gains.
I agree. If the score based xp and gold is good enough, it becomes a tragedy of the commons situation.
Help the team win or get massive xp and gold from lingering in the melee.
If enough archers choose the xp, the team will do much worse.
If the round victory multiplier is done away with completely, it's obviously best to choose the xp, because there's no downside. Unless the losing team gets no xp and gold.
You won't see pewpew's at all. Or simple pure STR pewpews with PD 999 and Longbows.
They are not that good at close range. Just kiting near the melee will guarantee score with relative safety.