I think it's pretty accurate so far, although I think that the proximity thing may not be so accurate. I got three points earlier for being around a team fight that I didn't hit anyone in. Sure I was supporting my team and effected team movements but I didnt feel useful enough to get three points.
Also I thinkt aht archers should be penalized extra for hitting team mates, and get a few more points for hitting enemies. Hitting enemies with arrows is extremely useful and since they wont get proximity bonus they need some sort of incentive. Also hitting allies most times is a result of simple greed and bad choices.
That being said I think it's done a remarkable good job. I notice people doing a lot of killing doing very well, but often i see support people having far many more points than someone with more kills than them, because they are poking with polearms or something or assisting the people doing the killing and doing a lot of damage. I think it's nice.
It's always frustrating when I would run into a big group with a morningstar, whack five of them doing a lot of damage, but get no kills and hve nothing to show for it! I think it's a very good start towards and accurate assist/points system! Thank you CMP and chadz and anyone else who helped with this!
But please don't neglect NA servers with the updates, especially NA 2. I know you all favor EU and that's fine, but NA is here too dont forget us!