That's kind of my point though:
People can choose to not melee me and completely negate and avoid my skillset.
I can never, ever choose not to be shot at. I must always expose myself to ranged fire if I want to do anything whatsoever, and I always have to give ranged a chance to shoot me, yet ranged never has to give me a chance to hit them. When you add in a critical mass of archers/xbows/throwers, it's just pretty evident to me that ranged rules the field. I'm not sure how to fix the issue, but it's clear to me that there is one.
Let's say, for a moment, that there was an archer as deadly as Harmless or Gore or I are in melee:
Not only would this archer be able to dominate all other ranged units with effectiveness, he'd also be able to dominate melee players before they even reached him. He would be able to beat other ranged (because he is ranged and can effectively attack them at the very moment he himself is exposed, making it fair for both ranged participants) and he would also be able to beat melee players, as he is able to either shoot them, shoot their feet, shoot over their shield, run from them and let his team shoot them/generate distance so he can keep shooting, or simply pull out a melee weapon and have a chance to attack his enemy, at the very least, before his enemy can kill him. Oftentimes this is the main frustration I feel, I never have the chance to even attack a ranged enemy or effectively defend myself, even with a shield and a shield level of 2, yet a good ranged player always has the ability to attack/defend no matter who he is fighting.
A melee "champion" is hamstrung extremely hard compared to a ranged "champion" when you think about it.
Then where are these archer "champions"? Is it just that nobody who is any good plays archers (don't answer that, I won't take that answer seriously anyways)? I've been rolling with some of the best archers on the NA servers right now. I don't see them with 50-5 K/D scores. It just doesn't happen.
Plus, you're ignoring cavalry "champions", to steal your term, which will rape most ranged.
Some of this thread's criticisms of crossbows versatility and (lol)throwing's accuracy are fair, but meh, nothing new, this has been discussed ad nauseum so we'll see what happens in the upcoming patch. Aside from that, goddamn I'm tired of hearing 2H'ers bitch. "People can choose to not melee me and completely negate and avoid my skillset." Deeeeeerp. Of course there's a balance. As an archer, you can say the same thing about plate armor, huscarl shields, ninjas (who know how to do it), dedicated sniper crossbowmen in cover (1-shot 95% of the time), half-decent cavalry, and the list goes on. Make your own server with only 2H'ers so you can all jack each other off with platemail and barmaces if it pisses you off that much.
Otherwise, look at the scoreboards. Cav and 2H'ers. Occasionally 1H+Shielders. From time to time, the freak that is DarkKarma. I've yet to see an archer working alone top the scoreboards.
"I can never, ever choose not to be shot at. I must always expose myself to ranged fire if I want to do anything whatsoever." This is an absurd exaggeration. Use cover and/or make a friend who uses a huscarl and hide behind it. Or get an armored cavalry buddy to disrupt ranged attacks. Frankly, it's that easy- you just have to use friends to counter your own counters. Teamwork wins consistently.
"I'd also be willing to bet the 'ranged champion' is investing a lot more points into making himself an effective ranged player than a 'melee champion' is investing to make himself protected from ranged. They'll be more gimped when the two ultimately clash in melee."
@MrShine: Absolutely. Archers almost require a pure build. Crossbows and throwing don't, especially since Xbowers can wear any armor without WPF penalty, but without 100% dedication you're significantly less effective than the purists. Throwing is designed to be hyrbid, which would be a really cool and interesting option of speed/utility if it weren't so deadly and the slow speed were not so easily overcome.
Side note: The "Force Field" effect is generally too frustrating for most archers to bother with shooting at feet- 2H'ers are plentiful and are always target priority. Archers may shoot at the lowest quality shields, but by and large even weak shields are rarely worth shooting at.