
The question is simple. A cultural mishmash of players spread across 5 small servers babbling incoherently or a nazi-like regime of uncontrollable admins?

EU cRPG 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.
90 (36.1%)
cRPG North America / cRPG NA
159 (63.9%)

Total Members Voted: 249

Voting closed: April 19, 2011, 06:07:51 am

Author Topic: NA or EU? Who's better?  (Read 9493 times)

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NA or EU? Who's better?
« on: April 05, 2011, 06:07:51 am »
So yeah...
      Flame away.

Also, EU players saying they have more skill is a lie. We have bigger battles with less
Blocking / feinting and more hacking and slashing

This is a secret poll. Results in two weeks.
Btw; not trolling

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EDIT: 4/5/2011

Ow, my fucking finger. My german shepard bit it. Than I tripped -
- over the dog and got my finger caught in a closed door. Whoopee.
Anyways, summary of flames sofar:

NA  Advantages:
- More English Speakers
- More populated servers
- Consistency in skill
- Small squad tactics

EU Advantages:
- Larger player base
- Some very good players
- Large-scale tactics
- No adminging
« Last Edit: April 07, 2011, 02:18:04 am by Whalen207 »
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Re: NA or EU? Who's better?
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2011, 06:18:47 am »
The Chinese beat us all.

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Re: NA or EU? Who's better?
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2011, 06:21:35 am »
NA. Let the flamez begin.
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Re: NA or EU? Who's better?
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2011, 06:27:48 am »
Korean > The world ... sadly :(

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Re: NA or EU? Who's better?
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2011, 06:41:10 am »
I think they both suck/rock.

Honestly, my highest scores have been on the EU servers and my ping is an average of 214 there.

I am not the best player out there, but there is something extremely wrong with me having a 14 kill 0 death archery record at the end of a match with 214 ping on EU, or alternatively going into NA siege on melee and being in the top five with nothing but attacks and feints (Now that I was taught how to properly use them with foot work) and no blocks.

EU can not dodge range to save their lives on average, and NA has a severe probem when it comes to blocking (If I kill you in melee 5 times in a best of 9 match, something is suspect... I am only good with the pike, if I pull out my No Dachi and still clean your clock, you should be VERY insulted)... Speaking of which... did I mention that I suck, and yet kill people one on one in NA when I use my pike? yes it can stab, but it can also feint into an overhead... If I can overhead block the painfully slow overhead attack animation on a pike, then so should you... especially if I just did it twice already on your skull moments before.

I should now mention the "Can_You_Down_Block" "CanYouBlockDown_PGI" character on NA that somehow manages to get K/D ratios of 4 or higher? And yes, she ONLY uses down attacks...

I dunno... I think both servers have an equal ratio of good and bad players, though I dare say the EU displays better large-scale clan tactics some days, but the NA pulls ahead with better squad-level tactics for clans.

Australia has the most skilled players for some reason. You go there and it seems to be 80% BKS quality on the peaks.

I just find it fascinating that the class preferences for EU and NA differ so radically. I still wonder why NA has a massive throwing spam and EU has a massive bow spam.

Also a few weird things, like EU having for the most part rubbish Tin Cans while NA has a few that are deadly (Like when BKS_Rhade goes into plate? Scary), and conversely NA has a large percentage of Cav that are infatuated with the moronic tactic of focusing on one infantry man with constant circles that get them stabbed, while EU cav seem to be more intelligent...

I dunno... Where is the "Neither" vote option?

I want a cookie.

EDIT: I do think though that the NA servers win the award for "Highest number of egotistical players," they do have more of those then EU, certainly.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 06:55:43 am by Tears_of_Destiny »
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.

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Re: NA or EU? Who's better?
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2011, 06:49:45 am »
I want a cookie.

No cookies for you! >=3

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Re: NA or EU? Who's better?
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2011, 06:52:20 am »
No cookies for you! >=3

Blast, I will edit and correct it hahaha.
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.

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Re: NA or EU? Who's better?
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2011, 09:24:42 am »
Bah this thread title has flame written all over it *gets out before the war begins*

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Re: NA or EU? Who's better?
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2011, 09:28:09 am »
EU is bestest!
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Re: NA or EU? Who's better?
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2011, 09:33:00 am »
In all honesty, with equal ping, I think NA would win in a melee battle of the best due to the sheer number of high PS/IF builds. It doesn't matter if you hit 'em five times and they hit you once, dead is dead.

A large scale free for all would be probably favour EU, since they've got more tactical clans than we do, with a larger, more experienced pool to draw from. 

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Re: NA or EU? Who's better?
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2011, 09:56:17 am »
In all honesty, with equal ping, I think NA would win in a melee battle of the best due to the sheer number of high PS/IF builds. It doesn't matter if you hit 'em five times and they hit you once, dead is dead.

A large scale free for all would be probably favour EU, since they've got more tactical clans than we do, with a larger, more experienced pool to draw from.
I'm going to side with a mix of above posts, but largely with kalam.
In melee, due to the nature of the high strength duelists in NA, they simply will win small melee fights and duels. However, in large coordinated battles EU has a strong advantage due to using much more teamwork. EU Cav also isn't as stupid.

I really wish NA had more teamwork -- I've been organizing squad level teamwork like crazy amongst my close friends. The problem with NA is EVERYBODY IS CONSTANTLY CIRCLE STRAFE SIDE STEPPING AND SIDE SWINGING, TEAM-SLASHING THE SHIT OUT OF EACH OTHER. OH MY GOD. That works in duels not team battles. Stop it. I think I need to write out a giant thread about how you should be using footwork and teammates abilities in harmony. It isn't hard. I find a shielder or good 2her at the beginning of a map and say in chat "I'm on you _____, I'll be to your right, don't step to the right."

Oh, I am the guy who only stabs people on CanYouBlockDown_PGI. The thing is not that NA players are bad at manual blocking, I just use teamwork to my advantage. I guarantee I could do the same if not better in EU due to their increased level of teamwork.

Oh, And this thread was a bad idea and you should feel bad.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 10:26:30 am by Marathon »
Also, I have declared myself #1 NA hybrid thrower
Formerly known as Marathon.
As an NA admin, I am the most laid back and concerned with the ~fun of the game~ above all other factors. I've also been super inactive since Summer 2012. University takes most of my time, but I still find some time to play when i can.

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Re: NA or EU? Who's better?
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2011, 10:12:46 am »
I think they both suck/rock.

Honestly, my highest scores have been on the EU servers and my ping is an average of 214 there.

I am not the best player out there, but there is something extremely wrong with me having a 14 kill 0 death archery record at the end of a match with 214 ping on EU, or alternatively going into NA siege on melee and being in the top five with nothing but attacks and feints (Now that I was taught how to properly use them with foot work) and no blocks.

EU can not dodge range to save their lives on average, and NA has a severe probem when it comes to blocking (If I kill you in melee 5 times in a best of 9 match, something is suspect... I am only good with the pike, if I pull out my No Dachi and still clean your clock, you should be VERY insulted)... Speaking of which... did I mention that I suck, and yet kill people one on one in NA when I use my pike? yes it can stab, but it can also feint into an overhead... If I can overhead block the painfully slow overhead attack animation on a pike, then so should you... especially if I just did it twice already on your skull moments before.

I should now mention the "Can_You_Down_Block" "CanYouBlockDown_PGI" character on NA that somehow manages to get K/D ratios of 4 or higher? And yes, she ONLY uses down attacks...

I dunno... I think both servers have an equal ratio of good and bad players, though I dare say the EU displays better large-scale clan tactics some days, but the NA pulls ahead with better squad-level tactics for clans.

Australia has the most skilled players for some reason. You go there and it seems to be 80% BKS quality on the peaks.

I just find it fascinating that the class preferences for EU and NA differ so radically. I still wonder why NA has a massive throwing spam and EU has a massive bow spam.

Also a few weird things, like EU having for the most part rubbish Tin Cans while NA has a few that are deadly (Like when BKS_Rhade goes into plate? Scary), and conversely NA has a large percentage of Cav that are infatuated with the moronic tactic of focusing on one infantry man with constant circles that get them stabbed, while EU cav seem to be more intelligent...

I dunno... Where is the "Neither" vote option?

I want a cookie.

EDIT: I do think though that the NA servers win the award for "Highest number of egotistical players," they do have more of those then EU, certainly.

No offense Tears, but are you infatuated with BKS??  A lot of your recent posts have been constantly praising them, I don't see them being a noticeably better clan.  Right now the clans most consistently winning on banner balance are usually Chaos, BRD/Cavalieres(FCC), ATS, and Occitan, where most of the clan members are often at the top of the charts in banner balanced fights, haven't really seen the same consistency yet with BKS, could be they are a small clan or just haven't made enough of a presence yet being so new from native, I don't know.

Anyway, on topic, there is no way to ever test this till a server is place in the middle of the atlantic.  I have played on both a lot and they both have general patterns of strengths and weaknesses that could be better or worse under different battle and siege conditions.  No way to see a real clear winner. 
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Re: NA or EU? Who's better?
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2011, 10:25:00 am »
No offense Tears, but are you infatuated with BKS??  A lot of your recent posts have been constantly praising them, I don't see them being a noticeably better clan.  Right now the clans most consistently winning on banner balance are usually Chaos, BRD/Cavalieres(FCC), ATS, and Occitan, where most of the clan members are often at the top of the charts in banner balanced fights, haven't really seen the same consistency yet with BKS, could be they are a small clan or just haven't made enough of a presence yet being so new from native, I don't know.

Anyway, on topic, there is no way to ever test this till a server is place in the middle of the atlantic.  I have played on both a lot and they both have general patterns of strengths and weaknesses that could be better or worse under different battle and siege conditions.  No way to see a real clear winner.

Sounds jelly. None of those clans you listed are really even close to us, on an even numbered basis especially.

On topic, I think it's impossible to tell. EU and NA wouldn't really be able to play each other that well.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 10:38:34 am by Rhade »

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Re: NA or EU? Who's better?
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2011, 10:29:51 am »
Sounds jealous.

On topic, I think it's impossible to tell.
There is one way to tell that, but it won't happen.
If there were any rich people, millionaire status, willing to fly top NA, AUS, Chn, etc. players out to play in EU in a LAN event. We could then see who is the top duelist, etc. Which clan Truly is the best in 8 v 8 [or other format].

Oh and if some rich person like that exists, just put the money to hosting quality less leggy servers :(. I can't play NA servers past 60-70 players since they get so laggy, both in server lag and the ping rising tons.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 10:37:40 am by Marathon »
Also, I have declared myself #1 NA hybrid thrower
Formerly known as Marathon.
As an NA admin, I am the most laid back and concerned with the ~fun of the game~ above all other factors. I've also been super inactive since Summer 2012. University takes most of my time, but I still find some time to play when i can.

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Re: NA or EU? Who's better?
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2011, 10:38:17 am »
Sounds jealous. None of those clans you listed are really even close to us, on an even numbered basis especially.

On topic, I think it's impossible to tell.

Not trying to be mean, man.  Just being honest, I really havent noticed you guys on the servers.  You are welcome to do clan battles with equal number of fighters, its been done before, quite fun, usually first team to 3 wins.  Not a bad way to get your name out there and get some recognition.  I was kind of curious about your page length write-up on goretooth, seems like you haven't been playing very long and already have massive critiques of administrators from your limited experience and are being cocky about your clan's skills, might want to show some humility, goes a long way to getting respect as a confident, competent fighter, maybe take a cue from some great but humble fighters like oberyn, manofwar and cyranule.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 10:40:05 am by Keshian »
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"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo