Okin just for you dude,you are a bastion of chivalry,defending your mighty allies with such a warm heart..
Just in case you forgot 
Only thing I'm defending is decency and reason. I haven't forgotten anything, but since chadz decided to let that pass with a warning (FYI the Greys were hardly the only ones doing it at the time, though it was the most blatant case), it's not particularly relevant anymore. Personally, I'm all in favor of banning anyone who applies against his own faction or an allied one and doesn't show up, or shows up and demonstrably griefs. That's not the same thing as banning them according to your whims.
Nonsense. Sour grapes for what ? Me sad ? Which one of us is more sad, me who spared a year of my life by staying away from such Strat where Admins standby and watch their Polish/Russian friends/donors (this one is obviously the key word) cheating/abusing the hell out of their own mod or you who actively participate in this dirty business but trying to convince yourself that there's nothing wrong with it and find every possible (or even impossible) excuse for all this bullshit ? I have my flaws but if there's anyone sad in this whole story its certainly not I. 
No, you're the sad one from saying this. And if you genuinely believe any of it, that makes it twice as unfortunate. I don't know why, but I kind of thought you were better than this, and knew me better as well. I guess I was wrong.
This drama is hardly new, though. Ever since Strat 1 clans with devs/admins in them have been baselessly accused of all sorts of shit by whichever factions they were hostile with at the time. Every new war brings a new bunch of idiots. Whatever.