when u say we, do you include yourself korgoth ?
Yep, i was in almost every battle. Let's not talk about my impact on the team shall we

Same armor, same classes, same attitude - there is nothing special about any of you two...
The Differences of Basileia ton Romaion and The MercenariesBy K.O. BarbariaChapter One: ArmourBasileia ton RomaionThe most used armour has to be the Sarranid Guard Armour, the most known user of this armour has to be Chase. Another armour that is used very often is the Archons armour, the most known user of this armour has to be Royanss a top his mighty steed, fucking OP build. The average armour stats of the clan has to be around 40s - 50s.
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login MercenariesThe most used Merc armours has to be the Heraldic Transtional, one name comes to mind Tuetensuppe. A lot of Mercs use this armour, when I can only think of one Byzantium using it which is Dieler.
Chapter Two: ClassesBasileia ton RomaionHoplites, Hoplites everywhere.
MercenariesMercs have more diverse classes in my opinion. Lots of 2 handers, a few hoplites and quite a lot of shielders.
Chapter Three: Clan ThemeBasileia ton RomaionWe've got a historical theme, like our old clan, The Shogunate
(I was a Ninja at the time) we have armour restrictions
(even if they aren't followed as strictly as in the past).
MercenariesI can't remember the story behind the creation of Mercenaries, but I'm pretty sure they have no rules about armour restrictions and such.
Chapter Four: BannerBasileia ton RomaionRed
Chapter Five: SummaryIn summary, Byzantium and The Mercenaries are similar in size and impact on EU1. Everynight we basically have these massive battles for the x5. In my opinion it's good, if we weren't there to counter eachother out then one of us would roll all day and all night but because we have a constant fight it seems balanced.
But in no way are our clans "the same", we are different in a lot of ways. The only similarity is that we both kill Molly too much it seems.