Another good one though is when King Baldwin and the Knights Templar attacked Saladin at the Battle of Montisgard. This was about 2 yrs before the Battle of Hattin where shitloads of Knights were wiped out in the desert.
1177, Baldwin, with only about 400-500 Knights and maybe 5,000+ regular infantry, surprises Saladin (who really didn't think Baldwin would attack being so outnumbered). Saladin had something like 26,000 Saracens, but before they could get set up for any kind of quick defense, Baldwin smashed into them and total disarray pretty much won the fight. Saladin himself barely got away, but according to accounts we have today, somewhere around 23,000 casualties - either dead or wounded - were inflicted on the Saracens. The Templars lost around 1,200 total. Not sure how many of them were Knights.