if devs are serious about balancing they should implement something like damage depending on speed, and weight of attacking weapon, attack direction, weapon skill of defending character, and ofc if he is blocking or not.
i could imagine blocking being not anymore a true or false thing (blocked, or not blocked), but rather only a big plus if you're being attacked. this would cure even the problem that super-fast weapons (mw glaive f.i.) is so op to fight against, because once you implement something like this, you'd notice how OP weapon speed on long weapons is giving them an unfair advantage in terms of damage etc. (this counts for all weapons, even one-handed! the longer a weapon, the faster it's radial speed at the tip)
one-handed weapons would be harder to handle against big and heavy weapons, but those will have a harder time against each other too.
also, i hope weapons speed will at one point be calculated from weight and length only. right now it's some abstract figure put in by our devs. (my mighty one handed battle axe is faster AND heavier than a normal one. LOL?)
the same should count for damage too. why not break down damage calculation as a product of the values speed, <--length (radial speed), mass and of what kind the hitting edge/surface is (cut, pierce, blunt, PLUS maybe a longer thorn for dedicated pierce weps, and a special blunt for mauls (5 different sets?))
tl;dr: make damage gradual, blocking not 1 or 0