Nice thread and nice work christo!
My story:
Im 189/190 cm tall(Some number inbetween that), and currently Im weighing 93kg and am pretty well built because of my Weight lifting and such.I want to lose maybe 4kgs more and shift over some weight from fat to muscle so I can have a slight sixpack, but Im rather fine already.
Now my Story: About a Year Ago, I weighed 130 Kg.
All I can reccomend to guys wanting to loose some weight is : Stop beeing pussys.
Discipline is, in losing weight like in plenty of other challenges in life, the key to success.
Dont eat chocolate, Fattie.Stop chewing Gummibears.
And for gods sake, dont refill your fucking plate at lunch.1 portion is enough.
A bit of exercise is also always good.Try not using your car but your Bike, you lazy motherfucker.
Really, its easy with some willpower.
You are hungry in the evening because you only ate one portion at lunch and a small toast for diner?
You will adjust, and that little hunger will hardly be an obstacle for you after a few months.
Thats how I lost almost 40 kg in one year.Anyone can do it.All it requires is not to be a woman.