cRPG is an environment and any calls for a nerf should be considered in the broader balancing perspective. If shielders become more vulnerable to arrows then we'll have more throwers, bowmen, and xbowmen because their natural nemisis would be much less of a threat. Also, the invisible part of the shield helps significantly to hold back the weird twisting attacks of some longer close-combat weapons (I see these moves being pulled 80% of the time by Great Long Axemen - no idea why). Being slower in [almost] every way, shielders will become much easier pickings for their generally faster 2h/polearm opponents. If the invisible shield gets nerfed, at all, I'd strongly recommend that all shields get a defensive bonus against all ranged weaponry and a slight weight reduction. This would help shielders to definitely keep the anti-range niche while, perhaps, keeping the balance of close-quarters.