I did not mean that it is as expensive as cavalry, sorry if it read wrong, but I had to leave and it was rushed.
What I meant is that arrows already have an increased break chance, and especially with bodkins, archery is very expensive, I have tested pure archer with rus, 2 stacks of bodkins and no armor and it was more expensive than shielder with NCS, iberian mace, huscarl and medium armor...
Lol, total fucking bullshit, my throwing lances cost more than your fucking bodkins, and they don't cost nearly as much as hightier horsies.
But throwing is and has almost never been a really viable pure class, it is supposed to be a hybrid style, while archery is not.
joker: with some balanced numbers, it might not be as bad, but I still do not see why being melee should be rewarded with extra points. A similar but better imo idea would be to maybe increase the skills themselves (ie give PS an extra 2-3% per point).
Also your "infantry" box would be a huge nerf for hybrids, which noone ever thinks about, as we could not benefit from the infantry bits but we would still be hindered by the extra points we use. My suggestion would not touch them in comparison with the rest.