then why bring that here!!!???
It's already here, it's called the sniper crossbow. A very early gunpowder weapon themed to this time period would add some more flavor to this mod and not crazy muskets with bayonets, more like an Arquebus or early hand cannon. Almost the same damage as the sniper crossbow (but less, balance > realism), a fair bit more shot speed, less accuracy,
extremely expensive, loud and producing a small smoke cloud that hangs around for 10-15seconds, painfully slow to reload (2x as long as sniper crossbow at least) and ability to reload requiring two weapon slots filled with otherwise useless items.
Character development wise its reload time/tiny boost to accuracy would scale with a new Weapon proficiency - Firearms or powder weaponry. For skill points either a new skill tied to str or requirements being powerdraw (requiring more than any bow, at 8 or 9 sounds about right) but gaining NO benefit from powerdraw, merely a requirement to use the weapon.
But! Peasant_Woman, why would anyone use such a weapon when sniper xbox is clearly the better weapon in every way except for shot speed? FUN. Remember when making a special/unique/memorable character was all the enjoyment you needed in crpg, and not grinding to 31 over and over so you can have your +3 sword of peasant slaying badassery to help you pump your k/d ratio and continue living in your dreamworld where archery is cheating, throwers are noobs and shields are easymode? (Not aimed at anyone in paticular, more at the direction the mod is going.)