As a two-hander I am opting for the nerfing of the stab animation, but please leave the stats alone. And please make it more powerful. In my opinion, the animation should be made more logical, a lot shorter and more of a "power" move than a jabbing and range control move. The thrust is an explosive move, designed to pierce through armour and not tap people on the head.
This however will be a huge (edit)BUFF(ahhhh fail) for polearms as the 2h-thrust is the best move to prevent glaive users to spam when range is in their favour(something they will always try to keep, if you let them).
So if you truly aim to nerf 2h, do it with moderation and offer an alternative possibility in the playstyle, not fuck the whole class over. Some might think that it's fair to make 2h even more inferior to polearms now after the removal of polestagger, but truth be told: the two classes have never been more balanced in comparison to each other than now. So if you nerf 2h, be fair.
Like I said, I support the stab anim alteration. Make it a power-move!