Author Topic: ArcheAge  (Read 91576 times)

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Re: ArcheAge (Open Beta)
« Reply #240 on: September 05, 2014, 11:00:26 am »
seeing as it is a f2p game couldn't you just make 100 accounts for additional labor points?

If you owned land you could even add them through permissions so they can plant on your land.

I mean surely the labor potion is easier but they are at least paying money for it.

Granted my knowledge of the game is limited.

Alts aren't going to help you get Labor points on your main character, which is what is important (because you want to max crafting).

So, take a look at the example. Let's say a non cash spending Patron (premium) user is online 24/7, so he regenerates 10LP/5min, which in a day nets you 2.880 Labor Points.
Now let's look at someone who's going to dish out a lot on the cash shop:
Assuming he's also online, he regenerates 2880 Labor Points per day.
But then, he buys a Labor Potion, which has a 4 hour cooldown and restores 1000 LP. So that means 6.000 additional Labor Points per day.
Now here's the big catch: while Labor points are shared between alts, Labor Potion cooldown IS NOT. That means you can use a Labor Potion every 4 hours on EACH of your characters.
Character limit is 6, therefore a cash shop spending Patron user can regenerate an extra 36.000 Labor Points per day!

So, we have a Patron user that gets 2.880 Labor Points per day.
And then we have a cash shop spending Patron user that gets 38.880 Labor Points per day. This is 13,5 times faster crafting/gearing progress!
If we take offline regen as an example (it'll usually be like 60-70% offline, 30-40% online, but still): it's 1.440 Labor Points per day for normal Patron user and 37.440 LP per day for cash shop Patron. TWENTY SIX times faster!

Do note that this is comparison between players that already pay the monthly subscribtion of 15$/month, which is the standard western mmo subscription price.

If that's not dirty, then I don't know what is.

I'm not bothered that Trion has to earn money, alright, game is F2P but they have the sub option, that's fine with me. But to "force" subscribers, who are already paying the monthly price, to pay extra to get max efficiency, is just so fucking greedy.

EDIT: fixed calculations because im a fucking retard
« Last Edit: September 05, 2014, 11:28:32 am by Vibe »

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Re: ArcheAge (Open Beta)
« Reply #241 on: September 06, 2014, 12:06:50 am »
Alts aren't going to help you get Labor points on your main character, which is what is important (because you want to max crafting).

So, take a look at the example. Let's say a non cash spending Patron (premium) user is online 24/7, so he regenerates 10LP/5min, which in a day nets you 2.880 Labor Points.
Now let's look at someone who's going to dish out a lot on the cash shop:
Assuming he's also online, he regenerates 2880 Labor Points per day.
But then, he buys a Labor Potion, which has a 4 hour cooldown and restores 1000 LP. So that means 6.000 additional Labor Points per day.
Now here's the big catch: while Labor points are shared between alts, Labor Potion cooldown IS NOT. That means you can use a Labor Potion every 4 hours on EACH of your characters.
Character limit is 6, therefore a cash shop spending Patron user can regenerate an extra 36.000 Labor Points per day!

So, we have a Patron user that gets 2.880 Labor Points per day.
And then we have a cash shop spending Patron user that gets 38.880 Labor Points per day. This is 13,5 times faster crafting/gearing progress!
If we take offline regen as an example (it'll usually be like 60-70% offline, 30-40% online, but still): it's 1.440 Labor Points per day for normal Patron user and 37.440 LP per day for cash shop Patron. TWENTY SIX times faster!

Do note that this is comparison between players that already pay the monthly subscribtion of 15$/month, which is the standard western mmo subscription price.

If that's not dirty, then I don't know what is.

I'm not bothered that Trion has to earn money, alright, game is F2P but they have the sub option, that's fine with me. But to "force" subscribers, who are already paying the monthly price, to pay extra to get max efficiency, is just so fucking greedy.

EDIT: fixed calculations because im a fucking retard

I thought it was only 4 characters per server? So it would be 26,880 total no?

But I agree, I just bought into it and am pretty pissed with the change since I can't get a refund. Hopefully they hear the uproar and fix this shit..

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Re: ArcheAge (Open Beta)
« Reply #242 on: September 06, 2014, 12:29:45 am »
how much does the auction house license cost?

and apex if that is in yet

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Re: ArcheAge (Open Beta)
« Reply #243 on: September 06, 2014, 01:18:26 am »
I thought it was only 4 characters per server? So it would be 26,880 total no?

But I agree, I just bought into it and am pretty pissed with the change since I can't get a refund. Hopefully they hear the uproar and fix this shit..

It's 6 chars, but even with 4 it's a massive advantage.
Some have said that you can get a refund (via paypal) if you've purchased less than 60 days ago or something like that.

how much does the auction house license cost?

and apex if that is in yet

Not sure yet, but are you seriously planning to play AA as a free player? I strongly advise against it.

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Re: ArcheAge (Open Beta)
« Reply #244 on: September 06, 2014, 02:38:03 am »
It's 6 chars, but even with 4 it's a massive advantage.
Some have said that you can get a refund (via paypal) if you've purchased less than 60 days ago or something like that.

Not sure yet, but are you seriously planning to play AA as a free player? I strongly advise against it.

Does every single character regardless of Server share labor? I thought it was only for the server which would be 4 characters.

But like I said, I agree, not a fan of the new potions either.

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Re: ArcheAge (Open Beta)
« Reply #245 on: September 06, 2014, 03:31:52 am »
New to the scene just installed the game and did like a shitty noob quest or two, what should I know about this game before I get any further into it?

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Re: ArcheAge (Open Beta)
« Reply #246 on: September 06, 2014, 05:13:01 am »
Had some fun harpooning a clipper to an air ship today. Wish the camera wasn't so wonky when you are at that angle, made it hard to take screenshots, but boats aren't really meant to be at that angle.  :P

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how much does the auction house license cost?

and apex if that is in yet

auction license is 150 gems or whatever.

I didn't see apex nor do I know what it is.
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Re: ArcheAge (Open Beta)
« Reply #247 on: September 06, 2014, 02:44:18 pm »
gems? I thought whole point was apex and AH liscene could be bought with ingame earned stuff, so that f2p is viable if you grind enough

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Re: ArcheAge (Open Beta)
« Reply #248 on: September 06, 2014, 03:35:07 pm »
gems? I thought whole point was apex and AH liscene could be bought with ingame earned stuff, so that f2p is viable if you grind enough

AH license no, I don't think it can be sold on AH, but I'm not sure, it could be. APEX isn't in the game yet, but it will be availible, so yeah, if you grind hard enough, F2P is viable.

Voso - apex is a way to get Patron status as a F2P player.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2014, 03:38:23 pm by Vibe »

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Re: ArcheAge (Open Beta)
« Reply #249 on: September 10, 2014, 08:49:08 am »
OK, so they are reverting the labor potion cooldown back to 12 hours, which was obvious since most of the playerbase was furious. Considering there's 4 characters per server (you were right about this SeQuel), you can basically restore 8.000LP per day with pots, which is still a lot, but not too bad. I'm not sure yet if I'll even play the game because I still seriously dislike the shop and the removal of gold NPCs from intercontinential trade (somewhat kills the traffic in open seas between the continents), but at least Trion isn't completely dense.

Other info from their lifestream:

    Open beta was awesome, couple of records were set. Most number of downloads & highest number of signups in all of the beta weekends.
    Eliminating all meetings on Friday so they can actually play the game themselves.
    Glass Phoenix glider is pretty.
    Servers have been improved. During beginning of open beta, they noticed servers were stressing and they had XLGames members IN the office to help out and make changes to significantly reduce the lag.
    50% improvement on performance.
    Lots of the stuff they're going to answer, Scapes has answered on the forums with the above link.
    Marketplace changes; Test with the labor pots was very useful.
    Trying to change it back to old version of labor pot. 12 hour cooldown, 300 credit.
    All the constructive feedback is greatly appreciated, Scapes is very happy that everything was laid out, super helpful.
    They don't want to buy best-in-slot items in the store, that's the reason costume stats were removed.
    Costumes are just for fun.
    OBT Build is basically our launch build, talking with XLGames to tweak some stuff.
    Core of the build is ready for launch.
    Costume helmets are APART of the costume so you can't remove it, it's just one item(the whole costume) so you can't hide it, sorry.
    Archeum scarcity; thanks for the feedback and for all the people who recorded and opened a TON of bags to ACTUALLY help them.
    Number on database doesn't always match what you see in game.
    With your data and their data they are talking with XL on "what makes sense."
    XLGames staff has been in the office for a while and keeping late hours to help out.
    All archeum was adjusted (moonlight, etc) but it wasn't adjusted AS MUCH as sunlight. But all were adjusted.
    Archeum crates weren't supposed to be just for archeum. It's meant for a bonus added onto their main reason for opening the crates.
    Editing the Archeum Crates tooltip to be more accurate.
    They are spawning a ton of coin purses and testing themselves for rates.
    XLGames in KR and in their office are pretty active so they might be getting a different build for launch. They'll let us know when they know.
    Mounts; "power creep" "stat creep", the only mounts worth obtaining is the best one.
    In-game achievement for honor point mount and other top tier mounts will get looked at to maybe increase the speed.
    They just want you to pick whatever mount you want for LOOKS and ABILITIES, not because you're forced to for speed.
    Feedback will be taken from headstart, they are still looking to balance mounts.
    Cows and Donkeys will still be slow
    Firecait is going to try to get Carrot Dash, there goes her paycheck.
    These changes make it easier to put Pegasus and other mounts on the store since everything is normalized.
    Wiping everything and getting everything ready to go again waiting for launch.
    Making sure everyone gets their patron/founders pack items, etc.
    They're testing each INDIVIDUAL servers getting it ready for Friday.
    OBT Servers are the headstart servers.
    They don't plan on specifically adding servers AFTER headstart. If they DO, it'll be because the game was so good that they needed more servers for traffic reasons.
    Don't need to redownload everything, just a patch.
    0 Labor points start (who asked this? That was obvious.)
    Europe vs NA; timing will be coming up together. Other then that, different times. Patches, restarts, Auroria, all will be on a good time for their respective country.
    Fishing boats was unintentionally removed, trying to get it back for headstart.
    Healer quest rewards! XL hasn't dealt with this since they started at 1.0 and they've requested it, but they don't know when it'll be ready. Won't be ready for launch, but they're sure they'll get it fixed.
    Founders pack on steam, still working on integration, buy the founders packs on their website.
    Founders packs will be removed at launch & replaced with STARTER packs.
    Character slots will be available for headstart, 1000 credits per slot.
    You'll start off with 2 characters and you get have 6 for your account, 4 max per server.
    Slots are PER REGION. 6 Slots for NA, 6 Slots for Eu.
    Labor pool is split by region as well. Labor and loyalty are different on Eu and NA.
    Auction house; 3 servers per auction house on NA, 2 on Eu. Going to talk about it on the forums.
    Launch build is available now. (I only see beta, not sure, don't blame me.)
    Patron pricing is identical for RIFT. Go look at RIFT.
    Free to play players can buy the auction house cash shop item to fully use the auction house @ launch.
    Someone asked what APEX is, it's basically an item you can buy from their website with MONEY, can't be bought with credits, and sell it to someone. When activated the user who used it gets credits. Can use it for anything, patron, AH Item, etc.
    10$ for APEX.
    2 APEX will be needed for the 30 day pass of patron.
    Same CHESTS will be used from the loyalty store and the Archeum founders pack.
    Two APEX will get you Patron and extra credits to spend as you please.
    They have a meeting with XL. Main topics are labor potion and increasing drop rate for Archeum.
    When they have details, they'll share them.
    Botting and spamming. Chat filters have been improving a lot, you can finally say ING words, woo.
    Their own engineers, GM Smackdown makes his own algorithms to detect bots.
    GM Smackdown hates bots, Tease him by telling him there's a bot around you.
    After reported a lot gets put on a list and they get checked by humans and banned if need be. Innocents will be let go.
    Patron will start counting down WHEN YOU LOGIN. Launch, Headstart, whenever you login.
    Hotbar topic; one of four that they've communicated to XL.
    Borderless/Inverted Mouse/Skill queue are the other three topics.
    Skill queue is a WHOLE new system, takes time.
    Those aren't the ONLY topics they've brought up, just the highest priority.
    Bi-weekly restarts on the servers to keep the servers healthy and make sure no lag is going to happen.
    Can be reduced or increase the rate of restarts based on how the servers are going.
    Healers healing their jerk friends in non-pvp zones against enemy faction and can't get attacked is noted and given to XL.
    Reporting bots gets you labor if it's a bot.
    Report abuse through Live chat or their support site, not in game.
    If you're a patron and can't live chat, let them know!
    Expansion pack schedule; let's launch the game first.
    1.7 is rapidly approaching.
    No limits on housing, you need to just be able to pay it.
    Character deletion scales; 1-10 is 10 minutes. 10-30 is 24 hours, they can't remember higher then that.
    Founders packs perks and who they'll go to. First 6 characters for most of them, certain items like the Chests will only be your first character.
    Scapes stinks, you don't want his shirt.
    Hasla tier 1 limit. Tier 2 and 3 were supposed to be catch up weapons on KR. They're not needed now.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 08:52:15 am by Vibe »

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Re: ArcheAge (Open Beta)
« Reply #250 on: September 10, 2014, 09:35:34 am »
Holy shit, thank god they changed those potions. Games not perfect but this makes me happy and shows that they're at least listening and on the right track.

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Re: ArcheAge (Open Beta)
« Reply #251 on: September 10, 2014, 12:10:15 pm »
Holy shit, thank god they changed those potions. Games not perfect but this makes me happy and shows that they're at least listening and on the right track.

Eh, don't really know. The more I think about it the more I'm certain that Trion did this so that we would be actually glad to have 12 hour cooldown potions - a lot of people didn't want LP pots at all and they were complaining about it before even when they had 12 hour cooldown, so what happened was:

- lots of people complaining about Labor pots with 12 hour cooldown
- decrease cooldown to 4 hours and decrease price
- people burst in flames of rage
- "fix" cooldown back to 12 hours and increase price back to normal
- people satisfied

It's a dirty trick. What bothers me the most about this is that ArcheAge doesn't have a system for account-wide potion cooldown - and will not have it for quite some time, if ever (they said the game simply doesn't support account wide cooldowns as of now). If the LP pots had an account wide cooldown (only 2 LP pots per day then - 2.000 LP per day) I'd be actually willing to accept this shit.

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Re: ArcheAge (Open Beta)
« Reply #252 on: September 10, 2014, 07:41:13 pm »
Eh, don't really know. The more I think about it the more I'm certain that Trion did this so that we would be actually glad to have 12 hour cooldown potions - a lot of people didn't want LP pots at all and they were complaining about it before even when they had 12 hour cooldown, so what happened was:

- lots of people complaining about Labor pots with 12 hour cooldown
- decrease cooldown to 4 hours and decrease price
- people burst in flames of rage
- "fix" cooldown back to 12 hours and increase price back to normal
- people satisfied

It's a dirty trick. What bothers me the most about this is that ArcheAge doesn't have a system for account-wide potion cooldown - and will not have it for quite some time, if ever (they said the game simply doesn't support account wide cooldowns as of now). If the LP pots had an account wide cooldown (only 2 LP pots per day then - 2.000 LP per day) I'd be actually willing to accept this shit.

Yah, maybe. I don't think the potions should be in at all either but I've already paid into the game so I'm trying to look for the positives in a shitty situation lol...

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Re: ArcheAge (Open Beta)
« Reply #253 on: September 10, 2014, 08:15:16 pm »
Eh, I'm pretty disappointed. I'm also not very fond of hearing that the seas will be dead quite fast since someone thought it was a good idea to take out the option to earn gold via sea travel trades(you can only trade for gilda stars).

Actually I'll post what they changed since patch 1.0

1. Actual loot tables - Mobs would drop weapons and armor. Crafted armor was still better, but that gave you archeum and it was a fun alternative way to gear your character as your leveled up
2. No coinpurses - Everything just dropped off the mob
3. Less "merchant bought" items in crafting - You didn't need silly "shatigon" or whatever else they call them that you have to buy now. Crafting recipes required mostly gathered goods. There were rare versions of most goods, and they were required for recipes instead of purchased goods
4. Inventory expanded by gold - Not a cash shop item
5. Taxes could be paid by gold - Again, not a labour/cash shop item
6. Trade routes gave gilda stars that scaled depending on the distance traveled. The seas were crowded by people going West<->East on trade routes. Similarly you could go out and try to hunt them down. Most fun I ever had was on those trade runs.
7. You could glide over the ocean without the "wind" messing you up
8. You had two currencies - Gilda Stars and Nui Tears. Nui Tears were used for "lower grade" stuff (like more basic ship etc...).
9. You could get Nui Tears by EXPLORING. Locations around the world (that weren't on the map) would award you nui tears for stumbling upon them. Some guy's house in the middle of nowhere, or the top of a tall building that you could climb. You wouldnt' know until you got there. They are still in the game now, they just don't really reward anything.
10. Fishing would have a chance to drop treasure chests that would contain archeum and sometimes a good weapon. I loved fishing.

It's like they wanted to kill the game with these changes.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 08:21:50 pm by Vibe »

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Re: ArcheAge (Open Beta)
« Reply #254 on: September 11, 2014, 03:56:23 am »
So paying to play this game is becoming a thing? I keep hearing its p2w, that you have to pay to do stuff now. Paying for materials that otherwise takes crazy amounts of time to get etc.
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