seeing as it is a f2p game couldn't you just make 100 accounts for additional labor points?
If you owned land you could even add them through permissions so they can plant on your land.
I mean surely the labor potion is easier but they are at least paying money for it.
Granted my knowledge of the game is limited.
Alts aren't going to help you get Labor points on your main character, which is what is important (because you want to max crafting).
So, take a look at the example. Let's say a non cash spending Patron (premium) user is online 24/7, so he regenerates 10LP/5min, which in a day nets you
2.880 Labor Points.
Now let's look at someone who's going to dish out a lot on the cash shop:
Assuming he's also online, he regenerates 2880 Labor Points per day.
But then, he buys a Labor Potion, which has a 4 hour cooldown and restores 1000 LP. So that means 6.000 additional Labor Points per day.
Now here's the big catch: while Labor points are shared between alts, Labor Potion cooldown IS NOT. That means you can use a Labor Potion every 4 hours on EACH of your characters.
Character limit is 6, therefore a cash shop spending Patron user can regenerate an extra
36.000 Labor Points per day!
So, we have a
Patron user that gets
2.880 Labor Points per day.
And then we have a
cash shop spending Patron user that gets
38.880 Labor Points per day. This is
13,5 times faster crafting/gearing progress!
If we take offline regen as an example (it'll usually be like 60-70% offline, 30-40% online, but still): it's
1.440 Labor Points per day for normal Patron user and
37.440 LP per day for cash shop Patron.
TWENTY SIX times faster!Do note that this is comparison between players that
already pay the monthly subscribtion of 15$/month, which is the standard western mmo subscription price.
If that's not dirty, then I don't know what is.
I'm not bothered that Trion has to earn money, alright, game is F2P but they have the sub option, that's fine with me. But to "force" subscribers, who are already paying the monthly price, to pay extra to get max efficiency, is just so fucking greedy.
EDIT: fixed calculations because im a fucking retard