Half the people I accuse of leeching come back and bitch that they had to send a text or go take a dump. The other half are actually booted for leeching. It's right there in the rules of the server that you're leeching, and I am rightfully accusing you of such.
Half the people you spam leech reports on come back instantly, because they looked away from their screen for 2 seconds or stretched their legs after a good round for 5 seconds. You're trying to use the letter of the law to violate the spirit of the law. People are playing this to have fun, and it doesn't matter if someone goes AFK for a couple of seconds. Siege mode is setup to be fairly unrelenting in terms of action, and focusing 99% of your attention on the game versus 100% of your attention on the game makes no difference on the quality of the server, but when that one glance away gets an LLJK guy spamming leech reports on you, it seriously interferes with game enjoyment. This, of course, is pretty much the goal of a lot of the LLJK guys.
Frankly, I think half of the appeal of leech reporting to these trolls is that they can do it anonymously. If they went around spamming ban requests, everyone would immediately see what they were up to and there would be an even bigger backlash. As it stands, I'd wager that anyone that plays siege consistently has been targeted by frivolous leech reports, many from LLJK guys.