Your saying my method of directly giving money to Alts is somehow "Broken".
I am not sure if I offended you somehow but your way of argumenting seems offensive towerds my. However, we are actually on the same side ;)
I think you probably misunderstood me.
What I actually want is, that I have access to ALL THE MONEY i earned. Furthermore I want to play different Characters at the same time for experience diversity in playstyle.
As I mentioned you will lose money if you play an Alt.
I approve your idea, but I dont get the whole point of it because it is just a "half thing". You want to allow the Main to give money to the Alt. Thats fine, but your reasons for this are completly different ones.
To my mind it is important for the game to allow players to switch chars without getting punished.
Transfering money over the market would be the way to go, but it could also be done over another gold transfer system.
I only see advantage in my idea, the mentioned increased Inflation is ANOTHER TOPIC.
What I meant with "broken" ist, that one game mechanic should not be limited by another bad feature.
Its basically like this:
Inflation sucks->we limit the viability of playing Alts->this sucks even more
Instead of ruining the fun of playing Alts the problem with the inflation has to be solved in another way. As I said, transfering money between alts and mains are COMPLETLY DIFFERENT TOPICS, which are linked together indirectly.
To fix the inflation the only good solution is to buff or create GOLD SINKS, but not by limit the players options.
As I said: I like your idea but I wonder why you dont go for the "full cake".
Your idea goes from "meh" to "nice" but my idea is "awesome" ;)
Just allow player to transfer gold between the characters they have. Actually the advantages are obvious, what has to be discussed?
My personal situation now is this:
Î play my main who is specialized in polearm. From time to time I would like to play crossbow so I created an Alt who is specialized in crossbow.
But because of the current situation I abandoned the idea of playing the Alt and play only my main.
And this simply sucks.
And also my way of playing does not work positive against inflation.
The overall situation just sucks in every way.
Playing an Alternate is just not viable if you think in an economical way. If I play an alt from 0 to 100% I will probably lose 200-400k Gold.
Why should I do this? Of course I will not do this, its just stupid.
If there is a problem with the inflation then think about another idea how to solve this FFS, but not by ruining the fun of playing an alt.