f.e. if i get bumped within the first 60 and loose a noticable amount of my life
f.e. if a thrust or overhead would have done the job but i get sideswing spammed more then once by my own teammate because he is out of control or whatever
f.e. if my chrusthrough teammate cant predict the future of who walks where but he hits into the group mindlessly only to hit soemthing
f.e. if a cav comes fullspeed couchlancing into a group where one or more friends are still in it
f.e. if a cav repeatidly bumps me to the ground while i am in melee(well cant report that always but i take the freedom to produce suitable swearwords)
f.e. my teammate ranged fellow opens my block and causes my utter destruction that way (that causes for some unconscious issues with this class to rise to the surface and makes me mad)
Generally this, however, sometimes it is just too much so I would like to add a couple:
In battle, when you are team bumped 5-6 different times, even if it is by different people, after the 3rd one, i press it. (i am light armored so those 3 bumps probably have taken around 40% hp)
When an archer shoots into a melee with more friends than foes and no gamechangers on the other side
When a person hits you twice in a few seconds, it might not be intentional, ok, but at least if you teamhit, please just stop a second and think before swinging/shooting/etc any more and makes me rage.
Also, the poor man that helps tries to save me in a 1vmany situation but, unluckily, hits me causing my death (be it ranged or melee). Im really sorry for pressing it here, but it is just annoying
This are generally just modifications or extensions of kinngrimms post, i know, but i think he just hit the nail with his post.