We dont have any good reputation.
We have a gay minister for external affairs.
We have a (very ugly) female president.
We have eastgermany. (sorry that trolling had to get out.
We lost two world-wars that were started by austrians (and in one of that we killed hundred-thousands of innocent people just because they were different).
We (as europeans) invaded america, killed Native Americans (Inkas, Sioux, Apaches...)
We slaved native african people.
We (as europeans) slaved native australian people (and brought our bad-people there, invading it.)
and so on...
I did not take part in any of that. But the people who did were our "country men", too.
Not sure if trolling or just ignorant.
I for one have nothing against gays, ugly people and even eastern Germans. Nor did any of my country men commit any of the crimes listed above. If you did you are either very old (some 66+ years) and have never been prosecuted (like all chocolate chip cookie criminals supposedly have) or you just identified yourself as a very illegal entity based on current law. It is people like you that reflect on old stereotypes of Germans in the first place, ones which have been shed decades ago and turned into something very positive. A bit of national pride for the long way Germany and all of Europe have come would not hurt either.
Besides, this is a banner pack thread - let's get back on topic. If you want to derail something, come to the Chaos thread

I'd be perfectly fine with a German banner if there was a clan that wanted it.
Don't tempt me to come up with a troll clan for something like that, Kal