Hitting me over and over 10+ times is not an accident, No one was around us and he never said sorry once. Our clan has been under a microscope for any retaliation events and are getting bans for it.. We have been getting team hit by multiple alts and it seems like not much is happening. Maybe I'm being paranoid but it seems like certain admins are way to lenient towards those who hit our members.. "Just press M and it will be in the records" is what we hear most of the time when its us under attack. I report an obvious greifer and nothing happens? He did it on purpose, was not in the least resentful and made sure to leave right after, then uses the I'm new and gets away with it? How hard is it to make an alt and go after another clan?? If I was to team kill this guy in that round I would have been banned on the spot.
Also what player, only a week old knows to check the forums for the ban request thread??
If you really are new Yellow I'm sorry for all this, Tho I find that VERY doubtful.