If that's all there is, that is strange. I've never seen anyone kicked or warned about playing the flag. Hell, everyone in dead chat always screams to people to go for the flag instead of trying to find the last guy.
Well it wasn't a situation of a guy hiding it was more like they turtle up really hard. Another teammate and I both typed go for flag when we realized no one had died in 30 secs and there was 5 of them still turtled up and 2 of us. So me being on a horses got to the flag spawn area 10 after it popped. The other team had 2 guys get to the area but not near enough to bring flag down about 20 secs left. My teammate died to ranged as I started to engage on horse. At this point our flag was fully raised. Once I realized my teamate was dead and flag was falling down I turned back, dismounted, with 3 secs left on the clock then I was kicked.
We know the admin and asked him to join us in vent. He did and we talked about it. The piont I am still trying to make is LEADERSHIP/ADMINS need to come together and really define what is and what is not leeching/delaying a round.
As for myself all I care about is winning. If a map is so unbalanced as to always support one side or another depending on how they play. You better people are going to play that way because this game is about winning. If you want skill/glory go to duel or even siege and join the spam fest.