Author Topic: the horse crossbowman problem/motf  (Read 11691 times)

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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #150 on: April 02, 2012, 05:45:47 pm »
There are ample ways of dealing with foot archers.  Not to mention archery in general is not that powerful.  (For all of Grannpappy's boasting, I can't say I recall ever seeing him anywhere near the top of any scoreboard.)

Horses don't give you kills  :rolleyes: I also don't min/max for 1 shot kills with the Rus. I play a build that I find enjoyable. I chain stun players while my melee teammates get the kills. I dehorse cavalry (HX first, then HA, then Lancers) and then ignore the grounded turd while my team cavalry runs them down and I find another horse to kill, or shoot the xbow user until they run and hide, or other archers that are spamming into the melee scrum, or lastly, throwers. In other words, everyone that infantry can't. K/D don't mean squat. What I do is significantly reduce the damage output and kills of the other team.  I bet if the numbers were available, you'll find that my team wins more rounds on average than the majority of players out there because I play to make the team win, by knowing how to play my class and countering those classes I am meant to counter.
Oh yeah, I'm also running with a PD4 and Tatar or Nomad bow because I find it to be a challenge and the speed of those bows allow me to do all the things listed above better than the slow drawing power bows. There are only a few ranged out there that can go head to head with me and win more of those duels, and of those, WarKittenz is the only one I've observed who isn't forced to drop down to a faster bow to compete.

But some players are more concerned about their K/D e-peen and complaining about classes they aren't meant to counter in the first place  :o You don't see Archers spamming threads calling to nerf those high athletic shielders with nearly impervious to arrows shields that can walk them down and slay them with impunity. We accept that we aren't meant to be able to take them out and go after the classes that we can and are built to deal with.

Oh yeah, I was on battle constantly until a few weeks ago when I switched to Siege to make certain we had Admin coverage there. We had HX back then too (and I tried one out). My point was that I logged in to see if things had changed, and.....nope. Same HX easily taken down when dehorsed, same infantry running off at full speed as soon as they spawn, and the same players more concerned about their beloved K/D to take the time out to dehorse an easily dealt with player class. Peasants in cloth look better on the scoreboard you know  :rolleyes:

But keep on fishing for sympathies  :cry:

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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #151 on: April 02, 2012, 09:17:00 pm »
with an exception.. you cannot shoot a roof down.. you can shoot a horse down.. you need to develop a skill called awareness.. it makes you better at vidya games


The difference is that roof archers can't follow you around and draw out a match for 3 minutes.  At worst they can hide on the roof until MOTF pops up because everyone just stands behind a tree.

That doesn't work with HX.  The roof splits up and comes around the tree from two sides and starts shooting you, frequently preventing MOTF from showing up even though, as in my video, they really had no chance what-so-ever.  All they did was drag it out for 3 minutes.

And it wouldn't be so bad if it was every once in a while.  But like I said, watch that video once every 5 minutes for an hour and that's what's like playing with these douchebags.

Boring as fuck.  It's not even fun to watch them.  At least Namo's old valor farming, corner hiding ways could provide SOME entertainment when he was eventually forced to come out and fight.  These HX are pure boredom.
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #152 on: April 02, 2012, 11:26:22 pm »

The difference is that roof archers can't follow you around and draw out a match for 3 minutes.  At worst they can hide on the roof until MOTF pops up because everyone just stands behind a tree.

That doesn't work with HX.  The roof splits up and comes around the tree from two sides and starts shooting you, frequently preventing MOTF from showing up even though, as in my video, they really had no chance what-so-ever.  All they did was drag it out for 3 minutes.

And it wouldn't be so bad if it was every once in a while.  But like I said, watch that video once every 5 minutes for an hour and that's what's like playing with these douchebags.

Boring as fuck.  It's not even fun to watch them.  At least Namo's old valor farming, corner hiding ways could provide SOME entertainment when he was eventually forced to come out and fight.  These HX are pure boredom.

you are seriously comparing a roof to a horse.. hrm wow.. i guess this thread should be more of a "im mad" not really a balance discussion.. lets really balance it out and input back in the speed bonus you get from horseback too.. they already have taken that away.. how bout this decrease the aim and put that back it
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #153 on: April 03, 2012, 06:53:40 am »
I'd be good with higher damage and less accuracy.

Forcing HX to be closer to their target to effectively land hits would be a great way to solve the problem.
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #154 on: April 03, 2012, 07:25:39 pm »
I'd be good with higher damage and less accuracy.

Forcing HX to be closer to their target to effectively land hits would be a great way to solve the problem.

Would be nice if your reticule bobbed up and down as your horse rode...
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #155 on: April 04, 2012, 04:43:31 pm »
just stop with the crazy ideas.. you are not helping, and this is not the realism thread
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #156 on: April 05, 2012, 07:22:34 am »
I'll try this one more time and honestly this time. Just make MoTF force spawn at 1:30 or 2:00 mark. Even if by some retarded chance there is still a large amount of players on each team it would give cause for something to fight over. Which is what I think this game mode really lacks there is no real direction in battle at the moment other than slay the other team because GOD WILLS IT! What about a Conquest style mode or fuck it make MoTF spawn at a minute into the round. I with Rum and Rohyp here nerfing a class doesn't solve the problem it just makes the game less fun by driving people away. Instead suggest something to make the game better than it's current state.
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #157 on: April 05, 2012, 07:23:38 am »
just stop with the crazy ideas.. you are not helping, and this is not the realism thread

As for realism it has no place in a video game so screw that thread in the ass.
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #158 on: April 05, 2012, 04:40:55 pm »
Unless you want a realistic video game, or one with a certain degree of realism.


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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #159 on: April 05, 2012, 07:33:35 pm »
just stop with the crazy ideas.. you are not helping, and this is not the realism thread

Yeah I know, and I don't think horse Xbow or any class is overpowered enough to warrant a nerf.  Sorry for muddying the issue...

The real issue is that MOTF needs to spawn, there's no reason for a draw to ever happen.  I think it would be good if the MOTF ALWAYS spawned, but it varied at one time it spawned so people wouldn't be camping waiting for it.
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #160 on: April 05, 2012, 07:47:55 pm »
Horse XBow vs:

1H + shield: bump, then shoot
2H: avoid, shoot
Pikes: avoid, shoot
Throwing: avoid, shoot
Archery: bump and shoot repeatedly (or avoid)
Xbows: bump and shoot repeatedly (or avoid)
Cav: avoid, shooy

They have no true counter.

This is the most retarded post Ive seen for a while.

You included all the main classes, but left out a cav sub clas, HA, yet included the another subclass. HX

fucking retarded, HA are the counter of HX, they shoot faster, less accurate and less damage, but the high output of arrows will down the HX horse before the xbow can release 2-3 shots. Also since an archer can re
ease 3 arrows before the xbower can put off one shot, the chance to stun him and stop him from reloading is high.

So stop being ignorant and leaving out one subclass and including another. Pure retardation.

This also comes from a first hand experience, this thread complains about rohypnal wannabees and all, I take them down with 5 arrows, tops.
Same with rohypnal, its because all the archers are so eager to get the kill, aim for the horse, much easier, then let your teammates pick off the stranded xbower with 0 athletics
« Last Edit: April 05, 2012, 07:50:14 pm by n445 »
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #161 on: April 05, 2012, 09:29:03 pm »
+1 to n445.

I always thought horse archer was the natural counter to horse crossbows.  People didn't even really use horse crossbows (except maybe 1 or 2 nut jobs) until they nerfed archery damage.

Horse crossbows are better at killing enemy lance cavalry than horse archers (IMO).  I absolutely hate the fuckers, that means they are a very useful class if they are doing it right.  They shouldn't be nerfed because they use their strengths to their advantage, people should have to learn how to counter them. 

Ground archers can also counter them, but they are usually more focused on immediate threats to themselves or their own infantry.  And by the time the end of the round starts coming, most archers are dead because they didn't have proper support and ended up getting picked off by cavalry. 
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #162 on: April 05, 2012, 10:00:23 pm »
I fully agree, especially the foot archers being more aware ofnimmediate threats to themselves. Ewhich is the great thing about being a HA, you don't have many immediate threats letting you take out the MOST threatning instead of the closest >> Usually ranged cav

this ability to choose your targets is why horse range is very deadly and annoying ;D

On a second note that is totally unrelated to this subject. I shun cav that bump their friendlys... it's easy to help friendlys and not hinder them :D
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #163 on: April 05, 2012, 11:41:41 pm »
Just make MoTF force spawn at 1:30 or 2:00 mark.


And yeah HA has no trouble with HX. I usually shoot them down if I see them and then just leave them for our cav to mop up. The only time they are a problem is if your horse has already taken damage because 1 xbow bolt can often down it then.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2012, 11:43:56 pm by Overdriven »

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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #164 on: April 06, 2012, 04:07:49 am »
This is the most retarded post Ive seen for a while.

Ooo yes, so because there's one grossly underpowered subclass that nobody plays (and never, in the history of cRPG, has been on top of the charts) that totally invalidates the whole thread.

Maybe if you actually played the game, you'd see how real horse archers fare.

1) They get killed through various means while trying to chase down the HX
2) If there are no HX they are a bloody useless and expensive class to play

The reason HX became popular and HA didn't is because HX is effective against a variety of targets while HA is useless against just about everything.  They can't even delay rounds because they can't consistently get kills fast enough to block MOTF.

The real problem is that most of the time, archers are incredible idiots and you are all dead before the end of the round.  Even trying to guard you is futile because no two archers will ever stand near each other and 90% of you (including the archers in this thread that I recognize) loves to stand out in the open on a field where you invariably get lanced and quite possibly get me lanced too in the effort of trying to defend you.

So, maybe we do agree on one point:

The reason HX is a problem is because archers are incredibly stupid.

Anyway, a previous prediction of mine seems to have come true: HX largely stopped being a problem not because anyone ever managed to consistently counter them but because they got bored.

The only thing more boring to play than an HX is an HA.  Nobody who does either of those seems to stick with them for long.  I tried both and HX is effective and boring while HA is ineffective and boring.
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