There are ample ways of dealing with foot archers. Not to mention archery in general is not that powerful. (For all of Grannpappy's boasting, I can't say I recall ever seeing him anywhere near the top of any scoreboard.)
Horses don't give you kills

I also don't min/max for 1 shot kills with the Rus. I play a build that I find enjoyable. I chain stun players while my melee teammates get the kills. I dehorse cavalry (HX first, then HA, then Lancers) and then ignore the grounded turd while my team cavalry runs them down and I find another horse to kill, or shoot the xbow user until they run and hide, or other archers that are spamming into the melee scrum, or lastly, throwers. In other words, everyone that infantry can't. K/D don't mean squat. What I do is
significantly reduce the damage output and kills of the other team. I bet if the numbers were available, you'll find that my
team wins more rounds on average than the majority of players out there because I play to make the
team win, by knowing how to play my class and countering those classes I am meant to counter.
Oh yeah, I'm also running with a PD4 and Tatar or Nomad bow because I find it to be a challenge and the speed of those bows allow me to do all the things listed above better than the slow drawing power bows. There are only a few ranged out there that can go head to head with me and win more of those duels, and of those, WarKittenz is the only one I've observed who isn't forced to drop down to a faster bow to compete.
But some players are more concerned about their K/D e-peen and complaining about classes they aren't meant to counter in the first place

You don't see Archers spamming threads calling to nerf those high athletic shielders with nearly impervious to arrows shields that can walk them down and slay them with impunity. We accept that we aren't
meant to be able to take them out and go after the classes that we
can and are built to deal with. Oh yeah, I was on battle constantly until a few weeks ago when I switched to Siege to make certain we had Admin coverage there. We had HX back then too (and I tried one out). My point was that I logged in to see if things had changed, and.....nope. Same HX easily taken down when dehorsed, same infantry running off at full speed as soon as they spawn, and the same players more concerned about their beloved K/D to take the time out to dehorse an easily dealt with player class. Peasants in cloth look better on the scoreboard you know

But keep on fishing for sympathies