Author Topic: the horse crossbowman problem/motf  (Read 11692 times)

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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #135 on: April 01, 2012, 03:18:52 pm »
Yes.  Although someone in this thread claimed only he can do it, you can log on when they're around and usually the top 2 killers are HX and all of the HX will be somewhere in the upper part of the scoreboard.

Wut? When there are 6 players in game maybe....

i agree with badplayer very much on the archer situation.. most arches are very bad.. i can name about 5 like he said and that i stated above there are a few that do not have a problem shooting me down..

And you still have the gumption (or foresight) to go after them.


So since I've been on siege, I logged onto Battle today to see this HX menace. Spotted HX. 30 seconds later, HX dead.

What's the issue again?


Oh I see. Next round, running with the infantry, spot HX, start shooting at them. Lanced in the back, dead. Where did my melee teammates go?  :lol:
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 05:08:07 pm by Rumblood »
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #136 on: April 01, 2012, 07:03:56 pm »
If horse crossbowmen are on the other side and they are a threat, stick by your ranged teammates and protect them.

If motf can appear more reasonably, then shielders would also become an effective counter, being able to defend the flag relatively safely from them. As long as the HX can bump->shoot shielders, it's not THAT bad for the HX, either, or if there are multiple HX/ranged to shoot at various angles.

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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #137 on: April 02, 2012, 02:20:13 am »
For the Euros:

Watch this video once every 5 minutes for an hour.  Imagine there are about 100 people dead and spectating.

That's NA now.  2 minutes of watching a couple people with no chance of winning draw the map out for no reason.  This was not a carefully selected video -- it was the first thing I saw after logging in.

It's very typical.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 02:59:56 am by Slamz »
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #138 on: April 02, 2012, 04:40:18 am »
For the Euros:

Watch this video once every 5 minutes for an hour.  Imagine there are about 100 people dead and spectating.

That's NA now.  2 minutes of watching a couple people with no chance of winning draw the map out for no reason.  This was not a carefully selected video -- it was the first thing I saw after logging in.

It's very typical.

I am glad you posted this.  It disproves all the horseshit you fill this thread with.  Both were not a football field away lobbing shots to nowhere.  They were within 15 ft of melee trying to kill them.  They killed multiple people before they were taken down.  This doesn't look like intentional delaying in the slightest.  This looks like a video showing people playing their class as effectively as possible.  If you had any competent archers, throwers, crossbowers, they could have EASILY killed them.  Look at how insanely close they are to the enemies.  Didn't have any left alive?  Why not try protecting them next round instead of running off by yourself?

Is it annoying dying early and having to spectate for 3-4 minutes?  To some.  Thats what battle is though, elimination.  You got eliminated, you wait....  If you don't like the wait, go play siege, go duel, go jerk off for a while.  If you really think the class is so ridiculously easy, I urge you to try it.  There have been many players (even admins) that have tried HX out and found out how challenging it is to play. 

If you and so many others find it intolerable to wait 3 minutes after you die (sad), then why not try and get the rounds shortened?  Instead of 6 minutes try and get it reduced to 5 or 4?  Or push for something like what was suggested earlier:  when the ratio of teams hits like 5:1, MOTF automatically spawns.  So when there are 15 people and 1 or 2 HX, MOTF will spawn and there will be no waiting around. 

There are plenty of better ways of going about changing things than calling for a nerf on a class that very few people play. 

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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #139 on: April 02, 2012, 04:52:36 am »
LOL, where were the archers and other ranged? They were being killed by enemy cavalry and infantry while that ball of infantry ineffectively chased him the entire round. Ban those infantry for delaying! They should have stood there to be shot for chasing a horse instead of sticking by their ranged. Really? Chasing a horse for 4 minutes without a ranged weapon? All you did was run further and further away from help, and why should the HX come in range of the archers then? He's got 10 stupid melee to shoot at without concern. Holy shit, thanks for the video. Instead of making a case for HX delaying in a round, you showed exactly what the rest of us have been saying. That the infantry coming up in here complaining has no idea how to play their class.  :shock:
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #140 on: April 02, 2012, 05:07:32 am »
Yes, Granpappy, congratulations on insulting almost the entire cRPG playerbase.  I am certain that this will set things to right.  By all means, please use your admin powers to log into NA1 regularly and proclaim to everyone that the reason they are waiting 3 minutes watching 2 guys run around on horses milking their x1 for round after round, map after map, is because they are all terrible at the game and suck as players.

I am sure this will go over really well and solve the problem entirely.

I'm glad we had this chat and have finally concluded that the problem isn't the mod, but the people who play it.  Certainly we agree on that.
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #141 on: April 02, 2012, 05:17:39 am »
Really? The entire playerbase is coming in here and calling to nerf HX? Well excuuuuuseee me. I didn't realize that a few infantry complaining on the forums because they think chasing a horse around the entire round is the way to play their class, also represented every player in the game.  :lol:

Yes. Learn to play your class if you were one of those infantry running around in a ball chasing a horse away from the ranged classes on your team.  :idea: Oh crap, I forgot, that would require tactical thinking.  :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 05:21:47 am by Rumblood »
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #142 on: April 02, 2012, 05:26:04 am »
You claim what happens in the video only happens with incompetent players.  Since it happens almost every round, you are saying everyone is incompetent.  Except you, I guess, because one time you logged in and shot a horse and it died, which definitely proves your theory.

Oh, incidentally, I actually enjoy fighting them.

"Fighting" being the operative word.  Fighting them is fun.  Watching them delay a 2 vs 18 match for nearly 3 minutes by riding to the edges of the map is not that much fun.
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #143 on: April 02, 2012, 05:26:18 am »
When I was an xbow I found rohypnol and co to be pretty annoying but not impossible to deal with.  They are excellent at harassing a reloading xbow man or archer making a ranged player unable to engage the other team properly and if you turn to face them not only is the 10 riding champion arabian very difficult to land shots on if they are a good horseman and focused on evading, if they ever lose the advantage of the fight they can ride away.

Now if I caught them riding in a straight line engaging someone else or momentarily stopped it really is no harder to land shots on the pro horse xbows as it is any other cav rider.  As a cavalry lancer I find these guys like flies that are impossible to swat away because of the big jukes they are capable of, their ability to hold shots until point blank makes them very difficult to man up on and the bolts do surprisingly high damage if you are riding towards them.

You see them last alive at the ends of rounds so often because of the silly survivability they have with 10 riding arabian warhorses.  They are just so agile its impossible for melee cav to kill them unless its with surprise, and ranged will end up missing tons of shots while worrying about lancer cav and other ranged and the like that super mobile horse xbows can end up being unmolested.  I dunno how to take the 10 riding build's viability away without doing stuff like raising the light xbow's strength requirement but I never thought that was too much of an issue.  Really horse xbows don't bother me too much in general but I think they are a stronger class then people give it credit for. 

I have a horse xbow alt and I think its actually pretty easy to play, much easier than horse archer, but my alt doesn't have the gold to maintain an arabian warhorse, let alone the perks of masterworked items.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 05:27:22 am by Smoothrich »
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #144 on: April 02, 2012, 07:54:06 am »
"Fighting" being the operative word.  Fighting them is fun.  Watching them delay a 2 vs 18 match for nearly 3 minutes by riding to the edges of the map is not that much fun.

when i get shot by archers its not fun, when the enemy camps with pikes its not fun, if a thrower 1shots my horse early in the round then i have to pay 3k to repair it its not fun.
many things in this game arent fun stop being such a babby about it, also i have seen rohypnol actually clutch rounds with numbers similar to those so its not like hes delaying with no chance to win.

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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #145 on: April 02, 2012, 08:21:42 am »
when i get shot by archers its not fun

There are ample ways of dealing with foot archers.  Not to mention archery in general is not that powerful.  (For all of Grannpappy's boasting, I can't say I recall ever seeing him anywhere near the top of any scoreboard.)

when the enemy camps with pikes its not fun

Not wanting to attack someone because you are a cowardly cavalry player is not the same as being UNABLE to attack someone because they are on a 10 riding skill Arabian and dance away whenever you start to get into range.

if a thrower 1shots my horse early in the round then i have to pay 3k to repair it its not fun.

There are ample ways of dealing with throwers.  Again, being afraid to engage someone is not the problem we are discussing in this thread.  If you want to make generic whines about you being too afraid to fight throwers or pikes, please start a new thread.

i have seen rohypnol actually clutch rounds with numbers similar to those so its not like hes delaying with no chance to win.

I'm sure roof archers clutched a game once in a blue moon too.

We got rid of that, didn't we?  Why did we get rid of that?

Incidentally, I was one of the few people saying roof archers weren't a big deal because there were plenty of ways to handle it.  Forcing roof archers into a MOTF situation was easy.  Getting HX to do it is literally impossible on maps that have no cover.  It's a bigger problem than roof archers ever were.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 08:22:45 am by Slamz »
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #146 on: April 02, 2012, 11:03:01 am »
Slamz is right. Horse xbows are like Archers on roofs, except with roofs they can move.

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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #147 on: April 02, 2012, 01:09:57 pm »
Slamz is right. Horse xbows are like Archers on roofs, except with roofs they can move.

A pair of tenacious fast lancers can make your life impossible. A single good horse archer shits on your parade. A couple of archers and or crossbows working together mean you gotta stay your distance and harrass the enemy elsewhere. Infantry with shields and some throwing weapons mean you can't really come close. Put a bunch of those together and you're fucked.

Also, when you're 1vs20, you should just step off your horse, throw down your gear and run into them with flailing fists. I sometimes get called a 'stalling my old friend' when I try to win 1vs2-3, but I just take that as them being sore losers. I play M&B in a window so I can watch some webshows, series or browse reddit and forums when I'm dead. This game is so old that if you can't do this, go work an hour at the McDonalds so you can buy a 5 year old graphics card so you can do the same.


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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #148 on: April 02, 2012, 03:18:43 pm »
with an exception.. you cannot shoot a roof down.. you can shoot a horse down.. you need to develop a skill called awareness.. it makes you better at vidya games
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Re: the horse crossbowman problem/motf
« Reply #149 on: April 02, 2012, 03:33:26 pm »
they are op as cav archery. i can't catch them with courser because they have good manevring horses,and they ride slower and very often my horse die in chase. They don't shoot me,they just shoot my horse and then shoot me when i am on ground. What needs to be done is to make HA more difficult and less accurate.
There is too many HA in EU servers. I always pick gk banner because it piss me off when they kill my horse with arrows. When they join there is like 10 HA.