Author Topic: March of the Druzhina Bears  (Read 8310 times)

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Re: March of the Druzhina Bears
« Reply #30 on: March 16, 2012, 07:42:46 am »
To be honest, I thought the funniest thing was the naked guy who spent pretty much the whole match shoving weapons back into the weapon rack.  We were joking about that, like his girlfriend asking him,
"So what did you do in that game you guys played earlier?  Did you kick some ass?"
"Oh, I picked up weapons and I put them into a rack.  For about an hour.  It's what I do."

It's a mechanic that definitely falls a bit short in terms of "fun".
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Re: March of the Druzhina Bears
« Reply #31 on: March 16, 2012, 07:43:24 am »
my favourites were making it up there and killing a few archers before getting swarmed by angry metal people who kicked me to my death after team hitting each other a lot swinging at me...

and my other favourite moment was dancing through like 7 people and then clubbing nebun to death :D

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Re: March of the Druzhina Bears
« Reply #32 on: March 16, 2012, 07:57:35 am »
To be honest, I thought the funniest thing was the naked guy who spent pretty much the whole match shoving weapons back into the weapon rack.  We were joking about that, like his girlfriend asking him,
"So what did you do in that game you guys played earlier?  Did you kick some ass?"
"Oh, I picked up weapons and I put them into a rack.  For about an hour.  It's what I do."

It's a mechanic that definitely falls a bit short in terms of "fun".

Naked guy putting equip into weapon rack is talisman of our clan :) We will build him a statue in Sumbuja.
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Re: March of the Druzhina Bears
« Reply #33 on: March 16, 2012, 08:52:31 am »

I had a blast, and yeah I agree with the pointers.  I don't know where people get the imagery of CHAOS = Elite NA clan, but we certainly appreciate it, haha.  We're pretty much a clusterfuck of guys who manage to put up with each other (right) on a daily basis.  I've seen too much overgeneralizing from most parties involved; and at the end of the day, everybody's right on some things, and wrong on others.

Say some of us change our builds, people react to that sort of thing.  Yeah, I can agree that we do better with flanking runs and melee engagements.  Its completely mind-boggling to most of us to hear completely dead-moraled, angry-toned, frustrated orders being barked out over voice chat to do something completely out of character for us.  I was a 1h/shield, fighting off on the left-side (our spawn) field, right side field for the defenders, in the open field battle.  Level 21, 18/12 build, pulling some really nice moves in some fun melee engagements, managing to do what I can against 60-65 body armor with an italian sword.  As we're making what progress we can in this effort, we hear conflicting orders, and in many moments, it was best to ignore them.

But do you blatantly ignore each other?  No, you suck it up and show respect for the people you're friends with and honorbound to.  No need to turn it into a race war, or to blame the friends and allies we once had.  You'd be surprised to meet some intelligent, open-minded people who really aren't as stupid as you think in America, as well as EU and Asia.  Its a very small embarrassment to lose on an online game.  Life goes on, as long as we respawn we'll be fine guys.  What's really an embarrassment is when people betray their fellowman with selfishness - and thats an embarrassment for humanity, not just one region of the world.

American Pride and European Pride are two different flavors of the same thing, you know?  Its interesting and fun to notice the influences and trends based on different cultures maybe.  But one isn't better than the other.  You can tell all the NA clans to work together (hahahaha), and fight over what, the Great Line of chadz?  Strat's just a board game - have you ever lost a board game in your life?   Of course you have - just have the humility to admit when the odds are against you - don't just flip the board in rage.  And for the offenders - have the humility to acknowledge you have the upper hand, and move on from there in your conquest.

^In the offenders case, DRZ has been great about it.  Nebun and Vovka have the appearance of fun and humble guys with tasteful senses of humor.  And in our defense, we're fighting to our very last man, and keeping our chins up, and some of us, our mouths shut.  You haven't seen us take off our tags and say "F the world", we're mobilizing what we can to survive another week, and its not a pretty site.  We've got 15-20 active members scrambling around.  We may not always agree with the course of actions and decisions, but we lend our advice and our support regardless, (personally due to the value of comradery.)

On the flip side, we've had dozens of personal attacks - as to be expected on an online game of shit-talking adolescents and crusty old men.  I won't name names, but us as a clan (ok), us as a country (seriously?), and even me on a personal level.  Its fine, laugh it off, I've already been called a pussy and a bundle of sticks in battle server enough times (by wojtek), but we should open our eyes, guys, and realize its a bit ridiculous.

On the flip side of our defense, we've had a ton of incidents of the same stuff.  Not only are we bitching about EU vs NA nonsense and making anti UIF propoganda, but we're also dogging hard on the other NA clans who have been both our allies and enemies at any given point in time.  But what really really really takes the cake was my personal favorite here: 

"EU my old friends, USA has a higher fertility rate"

WOWOWOW, maybe because our blatant and disgusting use of sex appeal in the media, as well as our ridiculous stance on sexuality, lust, and vanity make it near impossible to keep it in our pants.  Bravo, man, bravo.  Hahaha

*Quick edit*:  The real winners are the upright members of our community who have had fun, had a good laugh, and/or kept their lips sealed.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 08:53:36 am by Uumdi »
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Re: March of the Druzhina Bears
« Reply #34 on: March 16, 2012, 05:31:31 pm »
And in our defense, we're fighting to our very last man, and keeping our chins up, and some of us, our mouths shut.


I said that during the strat battle you line-stealer.  :mrgreen:
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Re: March of the Druzhina Bears
« Reply #35 on: March 16, 2012, 06:39:09 pm »
I will point out to Slamz and others that one of our issues is the fact that while these are Chaos battles, not very many of our players are actually Chaos members, mostly due to the timing. For example, in the first battle yesterday we only had seven members of Chaos fighting. The number of actual Chaos members in any of those three battles was never higher than ten, because regardless of how we tout ourselves not all of us are, in fact, no-lifer mad nerds IRL with no real obligations outside of this video game. Many of our better players simply aren't able to show up at this time of day. This kind of turnout is pitifully low compared to our typical weeknight battle server numbers.

I do, however, thank you for your suggestions, as we can clearly use some help here and this kind of input isn't given out freely often enough.

Youd have been signifacntly more effective defending a village. Do what you have been doing agaisnt us an pack the narrow entrnaces with pikemen. An army of pikeman is not as good in the open field when you cant bottle neck people. You already lost many of your villages but you still have 2 to defend.

And yet, we didn't really have the option of a village defense. The only village we had a significant number of well-geared troops inside of was entirely bypassed by their armies. They simply walked right by Tebandra and left it alone, we didn't get the option of a decent village defense. We could have holed up in one or two places, sure, but we also didn't want them stomping all over our allies while we sat back idly waiting for an attack.

Which is also part of the reason why all these battles have happened at such a poor time: We can't force them to attack us. We have to engage them on their terms in this situation, and as such fall prey to their playing hours. Some of our guys could've been less careless with their nighttime settings, yeah, but in the kind of strategic situation that went down in the field with so many armies moving around, we never had the opportunity to engage them at a better time, and even if we did, their nighttime settings still would have given them the advantage.

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Re: March of the Druzhina Bears
« Reply #36 on: March 16, 2012, 08:35:08 pm »
And yet, we didn't really have the option of a village defense. The only village we had a significant number of well-geared troops inside of was entirely bypassed by their armies. They simply walked right by Tebandra and left it alone, we didn't get the option of a decent village defense. We could have holed up in one or two places, sure, but we also didn't want them stomping all over our allies while we sat back idly waiting for an attack.
On top of that, village defense is hardly an option because for some strange reason like 99% of the village maps put defenders into disadvantage over the attackers.
Which is also part of the reason why all these battles have happened at such a poor time: We can't force them to attack us.
You can tweak your night time a little bit. Like set it to 8am-4pm EST or something like that.

On an unrelated note, the video card on my laptop died two weeks ago which effectively means I'm out of Warband for an unknown period of time.

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Re: March of the Druzhina Bears
« Reply #37 on: March 16, 2012, 10:34:39 pm »
That was a really fun fight.
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Re: March of the Druzhina Bears
« Reply #38 on: March 16, 2012, 10:43:13 pm »
Why not just make it so the attacker can choose the server, and the defender can choose the time?
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Re: March of the Druzhina Bears
« Reply #39 on: March 16, 2012, 11:27:53 pm »
Why not just make it so the attacker can choose the server, and the defender can choose the time?
Maybe give Defender the option to pick their choice of the two, it seems that NA players would be on a larger disadvantage on EU servers, and with alliances you can always have people in a good timezone merc for you.
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Re: March of the Druzhina Bears
« Reply #40 on: March 16, 2012, 11:35:00 pm »
On an unrelated note, the video card on my laptop died two weeks ago which effectively means I'm out of Warband for an unknown period of time.

Aww bummer Givi, hope to see you again before too long!
You think you're pretty smart with your dago mustache and your greasy hair.


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Re: March of the Druzhina Bears
« Reply #41 on: March 17, 2012, 06:23:07 am »
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Canary have you guys all set your night times? You should be able to force the times of these battles by adjusting your times... At least that's what I've been led to believe.
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Re: March of the Druzhina Bears
« Reply #42 on: March 17, 2012, 07:23:18 am »
In most situations, we got stuck with a bad time on our fights because our members, in their naivety or rationale during our previous war, thought the best time to set their nighttime for was when they were asleep - at night, in other words.

Even if our guys had their settings adjusted to prevent work-time battles, though, it goes back to that thing where we can't force a defense. We can't make them initiate an attack to get our nighttime to kick in. They'll attack when it's good for them, or at least tactically important for them. That's what we get stuck with, attacks that didn't suit us, but we were behooved to make.

People complaining about the reasons behind the circumstance may be a bit brazen in their accusatory tone or whatever, but can you blame them for being upset when nearly all of the armies we'd amassed suddenly disappeared (mostly in one day) during times that were inaccessible for their participation? I think that's the thing people are the most vocally upset about in this case, not being able to participate.


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Re: March of the Druzhina Bears
« Reply #43 on: March 17, 2012, 07:47:54 am »
Yeah absolutely you are at their mercy in that regard, the only battles you can have a real say over are the field battles and that's only if they don't have crazy settings.

Personally I hate the settings thing and think the whole system would be better is just scheduled all battles for prime time with a minimum time of 24 hours from starting the battle. If your question is "who's prime time?" I would say the servers, so if its the NA server then NA prime etc etc.
Fammi un pompino!

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Re: March of the Druzhina Bears
« Reply #44 on: March 17, 2012, 08:47:22 am »
People keep saying the whole UIF is attacking poor little CHAOS, but all I have seen attacking them is DRZ? I thought CHAOS were meant to be the badass Merican faction so why is it so tough to fight the most powerful European one?

Do you even look at strat battle pages before you come and post in this section? Honestly,  i've glanced at the website every couple of days over spring break and i'd dare say i have a better idea of what's going on than you do, Plazek.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2012, 08:51:53 am by Darkkarma »
This community hurts my brains, a lot.