A few tips/solutions:
Get a shield and make the archers run out into the open and get killed by cav.
Avoid the archer instead of trying to kill him, let teammate archers shoot him to death. Instead focus on killing all infantry and then finish the archers last.
Try sneaking behind him, but this wont work most of the times since they are usually aware.
Get a decent number of athl, and a shield, run towards the archer and raise shield when needed but dont hold it up all the time since it slows you down alot. Keep doing this and you will eventually reach the archer or if you are slower there isn't much point in doing this unless you get a teammate to help or just want to keep the archer from shooting teammates which is pretty good too..
I know most of you are pissed off at archers because they aren't as easy to kill as you'd wish.
I don't want them being easy as fuck to kill, I just don't want them being uncatchable (I want them having an easier time getting somewhat decent melee wpf, want them to have increased accuracy, arrow speed, walking while shooting, etc, BUT I DO BELIEVE RUNNING FROM ALL THREATS EXCEPT THEIR OWN BUILD SHOULD BE RESERVED TO HAs, also, I already said any aware archer with some bellow-average skills got no issues with cav, not even me.
As I've said I'm a HT, also occasional just T, or T/P, I got an archer alt I play with occasionally, so I only got to go wild-goose-chasin' archers if I want to kill them 10-30% of the time.
Benkai that sucks
hope there is still hope for my suggestion about archery though, I really think HAs are just being HAs because being a HA is cool, archers pretty much outdo them in every way currently.