Chase explained this problem very well. Thing is that all weapons strike very fast when released after attack is held for some time (that's what you call chambered weapon). That's why we feint, shielders get hit through their blocks (nabs).
For most weapons that takes time. When it comes to pikes you can do that before your opponent can strike two times in a row, because pole thrust animation is so fast. With other weapons you can't do that all the time.
Lawlpiking is a serious problem because:
- it's deadly (damage is epic)
- in most cases you can do it before your enemy (with slower weapon) can strike two times
- hitbox of pikes is broken which allows you to negate all footwork your enemy does, just stab randomly when enemy is trying to get behind you, chances are high that you'll hit him
- it's easy to block other weapons which means you'll rarely get hit (mod is so slow and everyone can block slower weapons)
- enemy can't do feint tricks of you because you strike faster than him if he tries
- it's easier for you to kick him, then it is to him to kick you
Lawlpiker with STR build and a lot of armor is pain in the ass to duel. You have to hit him multiple times, you rarely get the chance to spam him to the death like you can other STR builds using different weapons. He hits you once and most of your HP is gone, if he stagger you, it's game over.
Solution for lawlpikers who use shorter pikes: use a greatsword and try to out stab the bastard. You'll need like 5 or more successful hits for someone with 70 and more HP and loomed armor. If you don't fuck up. If you do, he'll stab you and almost kill you.
Maybe things are different for some of you with better connections but this is how I see average lawlpiker. Unlike most swordsmen (who use euro swords not those asian spammy curved blades) which I can fight against very well, people with pikes are something I simply avoid unless it's total noob behind the pike.