Author Topic: Banned on EU [Hospitaller_Shadowren]  (Read 1182 times)

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Banned on EU [Hospitaller_Shadowren]
« on: February 25, 2012, 07:06:46 pm »
I was kicked from the sever in the beginning of the Dhirim battle because when i joined it spawned me naked ( im guessing the glitch that sometimes happens). Then i come back and ask the admin Using (I)  if he was stuiped for kicking me because i wasn't leeching and just got in game for only about less than a minute. Then i was banned for chat abuse...... Really??? what are you 12??? does that really hurt your feeling that much??? Im an admin myself on NA and i know better than most but i will say that what just happened to me was Admin abuse plain and simple.

From what others told me it was Merc_mustikki_the_witch

And i forgot to include that this all happened during a strategus battle (Dhirim).
« Last Edit: February 25, 2012, 07:10:05 pm by Shadowren »
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Away with you, vile beggar.

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Re: Banned on EU [Hospitaller_Shadowren]
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2012, 07:22:44 pm »
I was kicked from the sever in the beginning of the Dhirim battle because when i joined it spawned me naked ( im guessing the glitch that sometimes happens). Then i come back and ask the admin Using (I)  if he was stuiped for kicking me because i wasn't leeching and just got in game for only about less than a minute. Then i was banned for chat abuse...... Really??? what are you 12??? does that really hurt your feeling that much??? Im an admin myself on NA and i know better than most but i will say that what just happened to me was Admin abuse plain and simple.

From what others told me it was Merc_mustikki_the_witch

And i forgot to include that this all happened during a strategus battle (Dhirim).

As an admin of the NA servers I would have thought that you didn't like people coming back onto the servers and being aggressive towards you. Common sense dictates, particularly if you're on the other end of it sometimes, that you say "sorry, I wasn't leeching, I had a bug, please don't kick me" as opposed to telling them that their brain function isn't high enough. Then coming onto the unban area to once again, insult them. That never works out well. This isn't my ban, this is Mustikki's so I can't give you full details, just what I would have thought would have been the best thing to do.

On a side note, if you have anything else on the EU servers:

25/02/2012 at 19:55:08 will be your unban date and time.
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Re: Banned on EU [Hospitaller_Shadowren]
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2012, 07:31:47 pm »
As an admin of the NA servers I would have thought that you didn't like people coming back onto the servers and being aggressive towards you. Common sense dictates, particularly if you're on the other end of it sometimes, that you say "sorry, I wasn't leeching, I had a bug, please don't kick me" as opposed to telling them that their brain function isn't high enough. Then coming onto the unban area to once again, insult them. That never works out well. This isn't my ban, this is Mustikki's so I can't give you full details, just what I would have thought would have been the best thing to do.

On a side note, if you have anything else on the EU servers:

25/02/2012 at 19:55:08 will be your unban date and time.

I understand what you are saying  Tennenoth but there is no reason i should of been banned during a Stategus siege for something so insignificant. I would of understood if he warned me about it, but he didn't.

Also i have read over these rules over a million times and their isn't a single reason i should of been banned.,2606.0.html  <----- Official Sever Rules.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2012, 07:34:06 pm by Shadowren »
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Away with you, vile beggar.

Offline Tennenoth

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Re: Banned on EU [Hospitaller_Shadowren]
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2012, 07:39:43 pm »
I understand what you are saying  Tennenoth but there is no reason i should of been banned during a Stategus siege for something so insignificant. I would of understood if he warned me about it, but he didn't.

Also i have read over these rules over a million times and their isn't a single reason i should of been banned.,2606.0.html  <----- Official Sever Rules.

"This is not an explicit list, common sense always overrides disputes" - Seems like a great get out of gaol free card, which it technically is, but it still applies heavily to this. You don't insult an admin for any reason because it will only lead to you losing.

EDIT: I just think the way you went about voicing your opinion probably wasn't the best.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2012, 07:43:29 pm by Tennenoth »
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Re: Banned on EU [Hospitaller_Shadowren]
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2012, 07:43:08 pm »
"This is not an explicit list, common sense always overrides disputes" - Seems like a great get out of gaol free card, which it technically is, but it still applies heavily to this. You don't insult an admin for any reason because it will only lead to you losing.

I wouldn't consider Common sense rule in this case but i will leave it at that.

I learned my lesson on Eu. ( locking thread but i still would like if Merc_mustikki_the_witch to send me a PM with his reason that's all.)
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Away with you, vile beggar.

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Re: Banned on EU [Hospitaller_Shadowren]
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2012, 09:58:03 pm »
Oh well..
Here is my side of this little event.

In the strategus clusterfuck battle i runned past you, a naked character facing a wall in a corner, the battle had been going on already a couple of minutes and did give you time to do what you were doing. Died, spawned and saw you standing there still, stopped behind you, it took quite a long time to find you in the list due to lots of people (i went 2 times through the list untill i found your name), think there were time went around 2 mins from when i saw you first time standing at the corner naked without you moving at all.
Gave you a kick from the server (there are people who got urgent needs to leave the computer and such),  but then i saw you when you writed an angry and somewhat insulting message at the admin chat. Yeah, as you might know, its not very wise to insult admins or people with more powers.
Boom! Gave you an hour ban from the server.

also i would like to quote you this, and since your an admin aswell, what i didn't even know, perhaps you should act a bit more mature in future. 
If you ever get kicked, consider that a serious warning - you are obviously doing something wrong. If you are unsure what it is, re-read these rules and/or ask the admin in question what the kick was for in a civilized manner. If you're a hot-headed type, perhaps take a few minutes to cool off before going back to shout at the admin. Same goes for all interaction with the admins, act properly and you will most likely be received better.

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Re: Banned on EU [Hospitaller_Shadowren]
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2012, 12:07:48 am »
Oh well..
Here is my side of this little event.

In the strategus clusterfuck battle i runned past you, a naked character facing a wall in a corner, the battle had been going on already a couple of minutes and did give you time to do what you were doing. Died, spawned and saw you standing there still, stopped behind you, it took quite a long time to find you in the list due to lots of people (i went 2 times through the list untill i found your name), think there were time went around 2 mins from when i saw you first time standing at the corner naked without you moving at all.
Gave you a kick from the server (there are people who got urgent needs to leave the computer and such),  but then i saw you when you writed an angry and somewhat insulting message at the admin chat. Yeah, as you might know, its not very wise to insult admins or people with more powers.
Boom! Gave you an hour ban from the server.

also i would like to quote you this, and since your an admin aswell, what i didn't even know, perhaps you should act a bit more mature in future.

I wasn't in sever long at all maybe less than a minute because i got into the sever when the battle already began (Check the logs) so maybe you should get your facts straight. Second off how can i know what i have even did with out a proper warning??? and anyway if you are even insulted by the word stupid im guessing your not over 20 or just very childish old man.Well don't expect a warm welcome from me on any NA sever.And i was never in a corner but was facing the wall in the tower at the flag (spawn point) once again get your facts straight.Always nice to see another admin lie to make themselves look good.

Last i said PM not post learn to read......
« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 12:18:11 am by Shadowren »
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Away with you, vile beggar.

Offline Mustikki

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Re: Banned on EU [Hospitaller_Shadowren]
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2012, 01:21:15 pm »
Your insulting me publicly and ask me to answer to you in private? No, that's not the way things go on.
Of course a public insult demands a public answer.
And even after my first answer, you keep up the same bad attitude, insulting even more and writing a  threat!
That only shows your immaturity level.

The reason i decided to give you a time out, was your disrespectful behavior you were showing by writing an insult in the chat. The insult itself is not the point (nor i didn't get insulted), but your bad behavior.

That's not how admin should act, not in EU nor in NA. As an official server admin you need to show some level of maturity on your in-game actions and when your posting at the forums.

If you still has something to discuss, please use PM and not this public thread.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 02:22:50 pm by Mustikki »

Offline Shadowren

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Re: Banned on EU [Hospitaller_Shadowren]
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2012, 03:51:12 pm »
Your insulting me publicly and ask me to answer to you in private? No, that's not the way things go on.
Of course a public insult demands a public answer.
And even after my first answer, you keep up the same bad attitude, insulting even more and writing a  threat!
That only shows your immaturity level.

The reason i decided to give you a time out, was your disrespectful behavior you were showing by writing an insult in the chat. The insult itself is not the point (nor i didn't get insulted), but your bad behavior.

That's not how admin should act, not in EU nor in NA. As an official server admin you need to show some level of maturity on your in-game actions and when your posting at the forums.

If you still has something to discuss, please use PM and not this public thread.

No Point in a PM now since all our business is out in the open.Well i will say that i am sorry for the insult and i hope we can get over this and not hold any type of grudge.For the threat part idk what you are even talking about.It could be possible that you misread something? But you have to understand that the way EU and NA people talk to each other is completely different and i even noticed it.EU people tend to be alot nicer when they talk to someone.NA people tend to be more aggressive when they talk to some one.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Hope you have a nice day and best of luck to you in strategus.
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Away with you, vile beggar.