On the note of 1h having retarded sweet spots for it's weapon length, enjoy the following info:
You'll glance with daggers and shorter 1h more than all the rest, because it makes those tiny sweet spot areas even smaller, while the intrinsically large glance area of the animation is still the same size.
All due to the weapon hitbox originating so far forward form the rest of your character. Y'know, at the end of your arm. That's why you can hilt-slash point blank with 2h side swings but glance with 1h.
~the more you know.
So now you know both ways to mess up 1h! Be out of their short reach, or step in so close you touch them and they glance.
A good player will use that knowledge to make themselves better when using a 1h.
A better player will use that knowledge to make themselves better against all enemy 1h.