Take it to the realism boards. That's where you will find your horse's broken legs from impacting everything from trees to polearms laying in the field. But again, your comments show you don't actually play as a human, or the LAST thing you would be asking for is a nerf to acceleration.
I do play as human, especially when I'm dehorsed *badum tsss*
I also have a lvl 30 pikeman alt, a level 30 2h alt and a level 28 archer alt. The fact that I play as footmen doesn't mean I want it to stay as it is. Even if I was a full-time infantry player, I would lobby for a reduction of acceleration. I hate when combats degenerate into two dogs searching each other's ass. Blocks, feints, holds and chambers, the game mechanics I really liked about this game, are minoritized by the effectiveness of doom-like dodging. This is not about realism, it's about keeping the game clean.
I do, however, know that such a nerf to acceleration would make it much easier for ranged, especially the slow and hard-hitting ones. But you can fix shield coverage to make up for that. And maybe decrease the accurate time window for archers.