SlickyRicky vs me:
He spam, I block, I try to attack, he stab me, *stunned*, he slash me, *stunned*, he stab, *stunned*, he slash, *stunned*, he killed me...
He's a very good and skilled player but he killed me mostly because of polestagger. He has a feeling for it, knows how long it lasts and can keep me stunlocked indefinitely (until I drop dead that is). One my mistake and I'm dead. He makes mistake and he's still alive because I need more than one hit to kill him.
I remember when Tor decided to fool around with warspear and AGI build, same thing, even worse actually. Once you get hit, you're dead.
Also, when I was gen 10 or so (six months ago) I've roleplayed grandma with a pitchfork. It was incredibly effective, thanks to polestagger. I was able to kill people wearing black armor easily, just because I could keep them stunlocked for a very long time. It took 12-15 hits, but who cares when they can't do shit about it. I kinda miss that build.