This is just seddrik trying to be funny and using "satire" as an excuse to have a spam thread in this section.
The way he tries to shut down other people's concern about his "satire" is just lame =(
You just dont get it then Meow... Even though a genuine player like Silver stated it in plain terms. WHY do people play a game like this? Evidently not the same reason people operate as admins/devs. Players are here for fun. Devs/admins
seem to be of the mind that fun isn't as important. As a case in point...
The problem was (and still is, to a lesser degree) that it dominated it's weapon class... Global balance isn't everything, internal balance matters.
And that is EXACTLY my point. The pursuit of some idealic "internal balance" that sacrifices the actual fun of the game is counter productive. Why? It robs/diminishes lower players & leveling players of fun weapons; and in this case it has robbed/diminished the game of a series of dedicated and hybrid builds (as illustrated by Silver and others who were like him). There will always be people crying for nerfs of weapons they hate (because they can't seem to figure out how to counter them EVEN tho it is not that hard). The solution is not removing or nerfing those weapons because these people can't figure out how to counter them. If you want MORE options for weapons of that level does it really make sense to remove or diminish the 1 option people enjoyed?
Do you expect people to enjoy the game MORE under those circumstances and think that the Devs made a wise choice because of "internal balance"?
"Internal balance" is evidently about reducing all weapons to a boring less useful level, and has nothing to do with making or keeping the game fun. Like shortening poles. Yes they were long... but there were meant to be... and they weren't THAT hard to counter... herp derp block down and MAYBE up for the longest ones. But it is WAY better to have challenges and variety (that BTW require intelligence and skill to counter) than mediocrity and boredom.Not to get us off topic, but WoW made this kind of mistake on a grand scale. They kept removing the challenge, making everything more and more dull until they lost a huge number of subscribers. I played that game for a long time, and heard many (of the valid) complaints aimed at the removal, time and again, of differences between the classes and the removal of the difficulty in the dungeons. Thats what I am saying. Leave the differences. Let there be challenges to face down. It results in some really awesome battles and excitement. As I said to Silver, when I see him
now with a mace... I dont even worry. Where as before it was.... intense. I want more of that kind of challenge, not less.
So there. Stated plainly. Not that it wasn't clear before.
And by this time if all someone can perceive in these posts is that I am "mad"... then bless your heart. There's not much I could say to someone of that mental / emotional capacity.