Thanks for the pictures Bandits, and thanks for the awesome suggestions Gnjus.
Since there was a lot of feedback, i'm sure the next tournament will be even better organized, and better in general.
In all case, you can still count on me as a security gard to welcome you into the place.
We'll organize better salute (blocking from spectators, ctrl-j for jousters), so that we only let inside people who knew rules and all. And it will also be more... rp like.
Maybe add some sort of ts where spectators and security belong, so that we may ask question instead of typing it, and while busy typing it, looking at the armed spectator going inside, and then all security following him.
I'll think about problems of Security, but also of providing services for the spectators (smokebombs, torches,
nude lady, etc...) so that everyone can enjoy the tournament.