NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
As we all know, there is a class for all those people with no battlefield awareness, no defense skill, and its called 2h/polearm spammer.
I cant imagine that someone who is older than 15 can have fun with a playstyle where you hide behind houses, hide behind trees, hide in the hay, hide behind shielders, most of the time, then sneak behind the enemy and kill him from behind.
But meh, different people, different opinions, all okay.
But its silly that you can swing a huge sword/ axe faster than others a small 1h.
Realism is not an argument, I know that. =)
But its silly. The attack power is so high in crpg, a good shield breaks in 1 or 2 axe hits, and then, still, the 2h/polearm guy continues backpedaling and swinging because he doesnt have the ping/skill/ the balls to stay and parry. So the 1h with his smaller weapon has to rush forward, continue parrying successfully a couple of times (if he misses 1 block, hes dead, cos 2h/polearms damage is crazy, even with only 6 power strike I could one shot almost everyone with flamberge, nodachi, tears), and then has to hit the heavy armored 2h/polearm guy a couple of times till his finally dead. And the funny thing is then this guy who doesnt even know how to use a right mouse button spams the chat about 1h spam. Lol?
Its silly that a 1h has only 2 options:
a) boost his agi like crazy to avoid being outspammed by every idiot with a huge 2h/polearm all the time, therefore being weak, dying often by 1 hit, needing 4 or more hits to kill the opponent
b) being to slow to ever strike back and hit the opponent never, wait till shield breaks, parry as long as he can, and get killed then.
I am not defending my class, I love horses, and always will, so footman is only an option for me on some anti-cav maps anyway.
But when I am more effective with a level 11 2h/polearm than with a level 20 1h/shield, there must be something wrong in the balance of this two classes.
With my lancer/elephant rider hybrid, I have 0 ath, I play with a delay of over a second, and still, I can "outspam" the average shielder with practically every weapon thats above long hafted knobbed mace, and thats not even fun any more.
Hell, I am even more effective when I drop my shield/ put it on the back and fight the 2h/polearm without my shield with my small 1h than with shield. What is also silly.
Whats the point of a shield then?
In native the point of a shield is simple. Its laid-back easy mode. Block the first swing with your shield, then strike, and kill, cos most of 2h/polearms cant parry shit, and they dont have the athletics to stay out of your reach all the time in native, nor do they have the agi/ wpf to outspam the shielder all the time.
In crpg, the point of a shield is what exactly? I havent played much shielder so perhaps I just dont know so tell me. =) To take an arrow that could have hit the 2h my old friend that is hiding behind you?
I think it would be okay/ easier to accept when the 2h guy had some skill, could chamber block and hit you, or at least parry a bit, but simply swinging and backpedaling is enough that the average 2h/polearm can defeat the average 1h/shielder, and that shouldnt be the case imo. Imho in a 1 vs 1 a 1hshielder should have the same chances as the 2h/polearm.
Nowadays in crpg, the 1hshielder can only win when he is really good or the 2h/polearm is really bad. Why do we privilege 2h/polearms? Its also in the upkeep. The best 2h/polearms are cheaper/ not more expensive than 1hs. Does this make sense at all?
2h/polearms need to invest less skill points than all other classes, and cos they are so cheap in upkeep too, we see so many easy-moders with bow and 2h/polearm, what is silly, and, to tell the truth, what makes me angry because they can use it 100 % of their playtime, while we noblemen have to use really bad gear most of the time.
My suggestion to solve this 2h/polearm is simple. Reduce the weapon speed to a more realistic level.
Longsword, heavy bastard: 95 speed
normal 2h swords: 90 speed
Greatswords/ long hafted blade/ glaive: 85
(pole)axes: 80
Katana, reduce the swing damage to 25. Its a peasant cutter! Its silly that 3 power strike is enough to kill many enemies in good armor with a simple left-right-swing combo.
2h thrust damage should be not more than 15, 20 at most. Its silly that most 2hs dance around and stab, thats all they do. Greatswords were slash-weapons, the Romans short sword was a stab weapon.