I might stand alone with this opinion but: why is everyone so chocolate chip cookie about autoblockers?
Sure, they cheated, some of them used it for weeks or so but is this really a reason to never ever let them play again?
I know that afterall this is the developers' mod and they could perma ban me with no reason whatsoever, just saying that I for one would give them a 2nd chance. You could still ban those who haven't learned their lesson after they've been caught the first time.
I bet hardly anyone of the players who got banned during this banwave could be considered high tier.
Autoblocking may protect you from getting outfeinted, but that's actually just one possible way to die (although the most conevient).
Outranging, double attacks (whether it be the infamous hiltslash, the "do-a-right-to-left-swing-with-your-generic-greatsword-backpedal-and-stab" or the double attack you're able to deliver with a onerhander's left-to-right swing when you're facehugging your enemy), kickslashing and ganking works just as fine.
Alright, you may drown me in - votes now