I agree with Artie, The patch made it Nearly useless for him to even spawn.
My problem is simple if your gonna make the Arbalest Unable to kill peasants.. why not just remove it as a weapon and give me my loom points back or somethin 1.5 million gold and ill hand it over, that would be nice. But I know that isn't gonna happen...
Reload time 30 seconds for a weapon that cant do any good damage... How am i suppose to trade this on the market... or sell it Who wants my piece of shit weapon for a okay 1 so i can make money on it and get the weapon I want any takers of course not... I never complain about being 1 shot by 2 handed swordsmen/polearms? which they can still do
id like to know which sword does 100 pierce damage Because i find that they do more damage with weapons that do 40 cut then i can do with my 100 pierce weapon
You know i think they should just make All weapons do 1 damage. And buff armor to have 5000 that way No one will ever complain because No one will ever die problem solved
Fix my arbalest! Please i dont like Shooting Frug 3 times while he is naked
I completly agree . This makes Xbow class unefective and not needed now .. for example Archer vs Xbow
Archer: Faster reloading of bigger tiers bows then xbow, can reload while running, more ammo,fast runners so they can run out from scrumble
Xbow : Slower reloading of 3 top tier most using xbows, Static realoading,less ammo,slower ,
So my opinion is that archery isnt killed much more then xbow with this patch bcs idea of archery isnt to deal massive one shot hits/kills instead of it they are much more closer speedy support so they head/body damage is in balance still. Idea of X bow is slow precisive accurate shot from realy far areas then bows with big damage to destroying tanks infantry or cavalry there was balance speed/damage,,at least it was....now ..its preety useless .. if u want duel last 1 on 1 with archer u are dead.. u cant kill him even with 2 shots sometimes..he will hunt u down..and is it for reall??? naked guy shoted with 2 arbalest steel bolts still dancing ???? then 11 bolts left for u ... 3 - 5 bolts to tank heavy armored infantry, (and i dont talk about shielders)...so u can kill 2-4 players in round when u are not close ranging for headshots...if u are dedicated pro sniper..and if u are then your job ends .. u can just leeching or kicking to oponets bcs all your wpf points is in sniper x bow. U are weak for shot. even if not u are so slow and u have acuracy penalty for weight so less acuracy.weak to deal mele damage..weak to take some damage bcs low HP..weak with X bow damage...what is this good for ???
Verdict : X bow is in coma...Shine times come for other classes