I hear a lot of people saying throwing is going to be nerfed, I dont want to believe that it is but it does seem like a lot of people are throwing low tier items (darts, rocks, jav, axes) I want to see if the Dev can shed some light on this or if anyone can post a link to where this was said?
I thought to myself why people would nerf it, and if it truly dose need a nerf.
I been a thrower for 12gens now, nothing but throwing. I done pony thrower, shield thrower, 1hand/shield thrower, speed thrower, and pure thrower. I have heirloomed axes, snowflakes, javs, and lances. Throwing has been nerfed once before, the speed and range was nerfed for high tier throwing.
yet low tier wasnt really nerfed, it was buffed. Now I hear they will nerf throwing again.
All that needs to be done to throwing is to raise the PT (powerThrow) of all low tier throwing. I would say raise it by 2, and raise top tier throwing by 1. This fixs the spam of people just getting throwing because its sooo easy to fit into their build. If you take away the super free entry to throwing less people will spam javs and darts. I mean 3 pt for jav is way to low.
Why throwing dosnt need a nerf
people cry(2handers/pole-arm user most of the time) that it isnt fair that u can 1 shot people with throwing lances.
Frist off that isnt true, you cant 1 shot most people until you have 9-10 pt which means you need 27 str. The fact that you need that much means youre going to be a str build and in truth with 9-10 ps you can 1 shot people anyways with a bec or longaxe.
People say you can spam throwing?
Yes you can, but not in high tier throwing, only low tier throwing can you spam(darts,stars,rocks)
mid tier cant spam (javs,throwing axes)
high tier spam? no way!(throwing spears-lances)
So if its the spam the dev want to fix they should find a way to fix low tier throwing without nerfing high tier throwing.