
Do we need immediate changes regarding the amount of ranged and cavalry in cRPG ?

76 (21.2%)
86 (24%)
Yes,but only for ranged
67 (18.7%)
Yes, but only for cavalry
20 (5.6%)
No, just remove the roofcamping
109 (30.4%)

Total Members Voted: 357

Voting closed: January 30, 2012, 01:23:06 am

Author Topic: The state of cRPG  (Read 26755 times)

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Re: The state of cRPG
« Reply #165 on: January 10, 2012, 10:40:53 pm »
I think pike need a rework more than a buff

food for thoughts again : make them 1 slot, sheatable (who gives a shit about realism, this is about balance) BUT make it so you can't use them agaisnt other inf (dunno if it would be possible to code this), give them a new damage type that every armor has like 10000 protection agaisnt but horses have 0 or something...

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Re: The state of cRPG
« Reply #166 on: January 10, 2012, 10:42:42 pm »
I would love to see an overhead stab for spear like weapons in general.

In reality there is no chance to approach a wall of spears and pikes without a shield and to survive. You get stabbed everywhere.

But in Warband you just need to downblock, and you are immune to an infinite amount of pikemen in front of you, as long as you want.  :?
Joker makes a very good point.
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Re: The state of cRPG
« Reply #167 on: January 10, 2012, 10:57:00 pm »
Add skill point contribution to xbows pls.
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Re: The state of cRPG
« Reply #168 on: January 10, 2012, 11:27:58 pm »
Damn that was ages ago Ujin, i was an archer (headshot tells haha) and i was in Acre, you keep your screenshots longer than i have

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Re: The state of cRPG
« Reply #169 on: January 10, 2012, 11:49:49 pm »
I give up on the state of crpg  :rolleyes:

There are so many 2h whiners running around that it makes me mad  :mad:

2 handers have been superior in duels for god knows how long. now all of a sudden the game is filled with QQing 2handers (im trying 2h atm before you whine). they are crying about polearm stagger and 1h speed. Just seen two well known 2handers on the duel server and asked why 2h should be superior and i got a crap filled response about movies and history. (that made me worry about history lessons)

Now lets thing about this logically. you have a giant sword that looks like the size of a women. Why the hell should you be able to swing it at 100 miles an hour and feint spam like a bitch? I know realism shouldnt count but seriously. 2handers have been kings of crpg since the dinos :D

History argument is BS. Find me accounts of mass 2handers with no armour raping shielders and ill submit to your powers  :|

Maybe 1h should get a speed nerf to the left hand swing but dont be giving me all this shit that 2h should be better then 1h in a 1 on 1 situation. maybe polearms should it depends what type.

I think that 1h not being able to block and kick while you can would be enough  :lol:

There will always be QQ threads and "state of crpg" threads created by those who think they are being treated unfairly.

And yet for some reason i always find myself wondering. why are most of these whine threads created by 2 handers :D why do some 2 handers say most skilled players pick 2h and when i say maybe its because 2h was OP they say no.

I dont know why it annoys me so much that 2h seem to moan over every little fucking thing that threatens their total domination of crpg but it does :D

rage over ^^


I just want one question answerd. Why should 2h be the best melee class?
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 11:52:53 pm by Osiris »
i make terrible warband videos! https://youtu.be/jUdVGIOuULk

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Re: The state of cRPG
« Reply #170 on: January 10, 2012, 11:55:38 pm »
nerf cav and the ranged wont need to get a roof to avoid being killed in 3 horsebumps by the 25 heavy cav on other team with 9 bodkins stickin out of each. problem solved.

or make it where players can't destroy ladders placed by their own team.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 11:58:10 pm by Homey_D_Clown »

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Re: The state of cRPG
« Reply #171 on: January 10, 2012, 11:58:39 pm »
I will give my 5 cents to the "current state".
For about 2 year I am playing as spear and board support class. As a supporter i am meant to die in a duel (if I do not drop the shield) and generally I am. At the battlefield generally I was able to stab oponents and dont hurt allies much. About 2 weeks ago something happened, I began to hit teammates and penetrating enemies bodies without effect. Maybe I am getting old or something like that... but well there is something wrong with hitboxes imho. Will try to find out how to play again or if i fail i just quit.

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Re: The state of cRPG
« Reply #172 on: January 11, 2012, 12:49:15 am »
And those pictures are pretty damn old. Kinda sad , isn't it ?

But you guys already have the Byzantium clan tag, how old can they be?
Blackbow is a bad admin,he once told me sandfriend It broked all my desire from the game/forums,i felt devastated,horrible don't know how to fix it.

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Re: The state of cRPG
« Reply #173 on: January 11, 2012, 01:00:21 am »
nerf cav and the ranged wont need to get a roof to avoid being killed in 3 horsebumps by the 25 heavy cav on other team with 9 bodkins stickin out of each. problem solved.

or make it where players can't destroy ladders placed by their own team.

And the amount of people on horses only increased after they nerfed pikes and long spears by making them go from 2 slots and unsheathable (which I think is enough) to being 3 slots and unsheathable.  You revert them back to 2 slots/unsheathable and my guess is that the number of cav would drop.

Maybe the answer to balance isn't always to nerf a class, maybe it's up to the players to find the weakness of a class and exploit it. 

I think Osiris hits the name on the head here:  There will always be QQ threads and "state of crpg" threads created by those who think they are being treated unfairly

There will always be people bitching on the forums about something, that doesn't mean the dev's should shit themselves and cater to it. Maybe you should tell them to learn how to play and figure out that every class has a natural counter to it.

I would love to see an overhead stab for spear like weapons in general.

In reality there is no chance to approach a wall of spears and pikes without a shield and to survive. You get stabbed everywhere.

But in Warband you just need to downblock, and you are immune to an infinite amount of pikemen in front of you, as long as you want.  :?

Yeah I went to the suggestions thread about a week ago to suggest that and lo and behold someone had already made a thread about it.  Being able to overhead stab with a spear would be awesome, but as was to be expected, people immediately chimed in that it would be overpowered. 

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« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 01:04:22 am by CrazyCracka420 »
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Re: The state of cRPG
« Reply #174 on: January 11, 2012, 01:07:13 am »
Maybe the answer to balance isn't always to nerf a class, maybe it's up to the players to find the weakness of a class and exploit it. 

This is exactly the mentality people need to get.

I have been playing a hoplite class with huscarl shield and ash pike for 2 months now and guess what? I am useful in support, useful as a shield against archers and can stop cav in their tracks. I dont get high kd's but I do help the team, but I think an issue is people want kd's regardless of whats best for the team. Hence we have a lot of rambo 2h's and 2h's arnt capable of covering each other, they cant shield each other from missiles and they cant stop cav hitting their teammates. If more people stopped whining and respecced their 2h to a more teamwork friendly role then maybe a lot of the whine would die down :P
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Re: The state of cRPG
« Reply #175 on: January 11, 2012, 01:26:45 am »
This is exactly the mentality people need to get.

I have been playing a hoplite class with huscarl shield and ash pike for 2 months now and guess what? I am useful in support, useful as a shield against archers and can stop cav in their tracks. I dont get high kd's but I do help the team, but I think an issue is people want kd's regardless of whats best for the team. Hence we have a lot of rambo 2h's and 2h's arnt capable of covering each other, they cant shield each other from missiles and they cant stop cav hitting their teammates. If more people stopped whining and respecced their 2h to a more teamwork friendly role then maybe a lot of the whine would die down :P


Hoplite is fun just because it's so satisfying getting a hit on an annoying 2h and seeing them get hacked down by your own. Or walking up a ladder straight towards a bunch of archers and they can do fuck all except jump. Or stabbing a rampaging cav and watching them get ganked by your team.

It may not get high kills all the time, but it sure as hell makes it a lot easier for others in your team to get those kills and for your team to win.

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Re: The state of cRPG
« Reply #176 on: January 11, 2012, 03:07:10 am »

Hoplite is fun just because it's so satisfying getting a hit on an annoying 2h and seeing them get hacked down by your own. Or walking up a ladder straight towards a bunch of archers and they can do fuck all except jump. Or stabbing a rampaging cav and watching them get ganked by your team.

It may not get high kills all the time, but it sure as hell makes it a lot easier for others in your team to get those kills and for your team to win.

I play long spear for the same reason. I get decent k/d, but I could probably do better as a 2H. The real fun in it though is teaming up with some people and forcing every enemy in a wide radius to hold down-block constantly, or get skewered, while the rest of the team hacks them to bits, as they can't do anything but block.

I much prefer helping the team get good scores and really making an impact on the match, rather than getting a few more kills myself.

I think what we really need is more people with the mindset of trying to make the biggest impact for the team, rather than making the biggest impact on their own k/d.

Random matches of charging at the other team are fun, but get rather dull after a while. What's really fun for me is when the sides actually get somewhat organized and strategize, but unfortunately this is rare unless a big clan is on.

The problem, of course, is how to do this in such a way that everyone can participate, and not just have it between clans.

One thing that might help is making maps that encourage teamwork, such as Tropical. Random villages don't do much but encourage charging and roofcamping. Random plains are a bit better, but they get really dull after a while.
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Re: The state of cRPG
« Reply #177 on: January 11, 2012, 01:51:51 pm »
Out of 24 people on my server this morning I was the only one that didn't have a ranged weapon.

I think I am going to take a break from CRPG for a while.  Hopefully they either:

a.  Nerf archery and crossbows.  Make all crossbows have a wpf requirement.

b.  Buff shielders which is supposedly the class that is their counter.

c.  Decrease wpf gains on levels.  Increase gains from weapon master.
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Re: The state of cRPG
« Reply #178 on: January 11, 2012, 01:55:17 pm »

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Re: The state of cRPG
« Reply #179 on: January 11, 2012, 01:56:48 pm »
Sez the Xbowman.