I hear the Mercs are giving looms as bribes to 22nd members to defect now, sign me up!
Note: I will rejoin the 22nd straight away of course, since they actually play this game for fun. One thing Burrik failed to mention from Vex's application (which of course is a "dick move", spying on another clan's forums is just cheap) was Vex's reason for leaving the Mercs. I hope Vex doesn't mind me disclosing this but he said that the Mercs take strat far too seriously and pressure people far too much to do everything for the Mercs in strategus. Also take note Vex did not once say that his reason for joining was because of Jambi's persuasion, I just read his entire application. Don't get me wrong I like some Mercs, but if you are going to start calling people on "dick moves" don't start recruiting people from other clans through bribery with heirlooms.
Edit: On relation to the original rage post about the attack on Christmas, some people don't take Christmas too seriously, I certainly played some cRPG on Christmas day. Yes it may not be everyone's favourite day to fight on, but as mentioned for them this day is not special for them at all. For example Phase was wishing me a merry Christmas the day before I celebrated it (I am English).