
Which faith do you adhere to? (these are in no particular order)

Protestant Christian or Catholicism (christ followers)
135 (24%)
Buddhist or Hinduism
11 (2%)
Islam or Judaism
33 (5.9%)
Baha'i faith/ other cultural religion
3 (0.5%)
Non-Religious (atheist/agnostic)
328 (58.3%)
Wiccan, Voodo, or something else like it (magical discipline)
41 (7.3%)
Gnostic or other religious non-theistic discipline
12 (2.1%)

Total Members Voted: 561

Author Topic: What Religion are you?  (Read 39205 times)

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #180 on: June 09, 2011, 06:21:28 pm »
Or it's for people who like to take comfort in thinking that they have absolute control over their lives and enjoy the delusional "fact" that they are invincible and no one can possibly hurt them.

Yeh, if you think you have it all figured out, odds are you know nothing as you can't see past your own blind spots (assumptions), most of the atheists I've known make just as many assumptions as people believing in a faith, they really should be honest with themeselves and become agnostics and admit they don't know instead of saying they know for certain how the universe works from the extremely limited technolgical capabilities of science today that often leave more questions than answers.  For all we know all religions could be correct, simply because we create our own gods with the collective consciousness of millions.

On another note:
Hail the rise of the Horned One, may his reign of terror last for 7 eternities.....  jk

I say everyone should just follow the whirling dervishes of the sufi tradition, constantly singing poems about passionate love with God.   Who wouldn't want a religion based on making love to God.
South Park Quote:
"but you boys sound like you REALLLLLY love Jesus."

I tend to follow a stoic philosophy as it pertains to religion;  I don't know and I have no way of finding out, so stop worrying about it and just live your life the way you want to live it.
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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #181 on: June 09, 2011, 07:52:46 pm »
Yeh, if you think you have it all figured out, odds are you know nothing as you can't see past your own blind spots (assumptions), most of the atheists I've known make just as many assumptions as people believing in a faith, they really should be honest with themeselves and become agnostics and admit they don't know instead of saying they know for certain how the universe works from the extremely limited technolgical capabilities of science today that often leave more questions than answers.  For all we know all religions could be correct, simply because we create our own gods with the collective consciousness of millions.

On another note:
Hail the rise of the Horned One, may his reign of terror last for 7 eternities.....  jk

I say everyone should just follow the whirling dervishes of the sufi tradition, constantly singing poems about passionate love with God.   Who wouldn't want a religion based on making love to God.
South Park Quote:
"but you boys sound like you REALLLLLY love Jesus."

I tend to follow a stoic philosophy as it pertains to religion;  I don't know and I have no way of finding out, so stop worrying about it and just live your life the way you want to live it.

Well damn... +1 for writing my post better then I would have...
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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #182 on: June 10, 2011, 02:49:40 am »

Browse the site, read the letter to arkansas school board.
Read - Understand - Enjoy

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #183 on: June 10, 2011, 12:59:28 pm »
I was raised Roman Catholic, in a nice suburb in the midwest.  I got called an infidel (of all the words, haha) by my 6th grade CCD (sunday school, only on a tuesday) teacher because I persisted in asking him why priests couldn't marry.

Honestly, I considered myself agnostic throughout life, growing up, throughout high school, experimenting, having fun, generally not giving much of a care, being what might be considered a "good" person.  I found myself drawing closer to religion in my first experiences with death.  I discovered the news that my grandmother died while barely conscious, drugged up with a 105 degree fever, throwing my guts up and hallucinating.  Moving on to the wake and funeral, which took place in a Serbian Orthodox Church, was a very interesting experience, though terribly emotional.  It was a beautiful ceremony, suprisingly colorful, though very serious and depressing.  Seeing your family cry, especially your father as a young kid definitely shocks the consciousness.

Witnessing the full extent of human suffering just takes a toll on some people I suppose.  Granted, an elderly person passing away is one thing, but it soon took to family members, friends, associates.  Cancer here, cancer there, overdose here and there, I couldn't help but start giving a shit.  I even played Everquest for 6 and a half years in my youth, and I knew two dudes who killed themselves.  I wasn't a close friend, but certainly both were guildmates that I had partied and raided with, and I attended their in-game funerals.  Seems odd looking back that such a stage in life ever happened.

I turned to The Good Book, because I did find a strong affinity with the Christian faith, as in its core it is beautiful and perfect, but I can and will agree with any atheist or agnostic here that it has become castrated and profaned on so many levels.  I did feel like it was lacking something as well, which brought me back to my question for the teacher about why priests can't marry.  Its such a strong masculine tradition, but we have unfortunately seen where repression and bottling our sexual force has led us, especially within the Catholic preisthood.  Woman is potentially the greatest thing on Earth for a man (potentially the worst too I imagine).  Call me a hopeless romantic, but what about the 'quest for the holy grail', and what about true love, and all of those ideals I held so dear.  Some people don't care about that, or think its nonsense, but not much interested me in the world besides love and cooperation.

Before you say "too long did not read", I'll cut to the chase.  I began reading into quite a bit, I picked up the Qu'ran, because I was sick of friends and peers being so cruel and ignorant towards Islam and its Muslim followers.  Reading into astrology, and a ton and ton of history with the Knights Templar and the esoteric order of the Essenes, and the Sufis, etc. I found Gnosis, or the Gnostic Movement, more specifically the teachings of Master Samael Aun Weor.  So if I must define myself, I simply cut out the "a" from "agnostic" and became a gnostic, or at least an aspirant.

I voted Buddhist/Hindu, because though it touches on every great religion, it really does acknowledge the significance of the Innermost, and the Essence, developing soul, meditation, and eliminating our ego and psychological defects.  It's certainly occultism, but it is very practical, and certainly nothing to be misunderstood.  The divine Masculine and the divine Feminine are both touched upon, and there is a certain balance that is refreshing about Eastern religion and philosophy.  Its taught that Buddhism is the doctrine of the Mind and the work in the death, while Christianity is the doctrine of the Heart, or the birth of the soul.  Both obviously touch on discipline and virtue though.

Thanks for reading guys, if you made it this far.  I think its a beneficial thing to have a thread like this.  We can all see each other as equals I hope.
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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #184 on: June 10, 2011, 01:41:11 pm »
Im bi winning  :mrgreen:
I've never played a server where people split up as much or as often as on EU1.  No wonder range is having a field day.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #185 on: June 11, 2011, 05:08:36 am »
I think chadz had some good points in his posts. All from that geographical location affecting on your possible religion and such. That is exactly what I thought about when I was younger. I was christian for a long time... Longer than I am proud of. Then I slowly became agnostic... Maybe more theistic agnostic at first but now I am more like atheistic agnostic. Why? Because I simply think that human is atheist when he/she is born to this world and I find all these, let's call them "human invented gods" as a waste of time and mental resources. Why not completely atheist? While I can pretty securely ASSUME that the gods of all religions of the world are not existing, I cant tell myself that there is no god at all (Because I can't prove that). If there is some deity or more likely "force" of somekind (haha not making a star wars quote, sorry) that started this world, it most likely is not God, Allah or even Odin :P. There is quite small possibility that any of these gods that we know by name, is possibly the "mystical force" and if one of them is, then what? The possibility of guessing which religion has the real god? Even smaller :D. Since there is no rational reason for me to believe, why should I limit my life with some religion that tells me what I can do and what I cannot do?

And about LaVeyan satanism... I found The Satanic Bible as a good entertrainment.. Some good advices but I got really bored when the ritual- parts showed up. Something else you should know about this book is that, Anton LaVey shamelessly copied many parts from a book called "Might Is Right - Survival of The Fittest" by Ragnar Redbeard. "Redbeard" is not the only one he stole from. TSB has really much influences from Aleister "The Great Beast 666" Crowley as well. Biggest mistake LaVey made is that he tried to make his satanism a real religion with dogmas and all when he simultaneously teached not to have any dogmas and rules because he thought that human can do right decisions naturally and thus any rules would not be neccessary. So I would advice to read Might Is Right instead of The Satanic Bible and leave Crowley books alone  :mrgreen:.
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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #186 on: June 12, 2011, 04:19:56 am »
I worship the one true lord armagan, but i also follow the teachings of chadzianity.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #187 on: June 20, 2011, 12:04:18 am »
SillySunday question (somewhat serious, actually, because I was just thinking about this for some hours)

If there were a god, would he wonder if there is someone above him - his own god?
If he does, that's hardly omnipotent.
If he doesn't, he's atheist.

If I were religious, that thought would worry me.

If there is a god , then he's uncreated and the first animator of the world as he's the very first source of any consequence or chain of consequences in the world
His omnipotence emanates from his uncreated essence
God is aware of himself, henceforth he must be  theist, or else 0.

Nevertheless: God's necessity of existence is questionable, as the first "creator" or "source" of cause(our world) is not imperatively needed to be aware of itself or  to be intellectualy potent over its own existence. It's seem to be more like a scheme of order, than an concept of some omnipotent being 
« Last Edit: June 20, 2011, 12:11:42 am by Apostata »

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #188 on: June 20, 2011, 12:12:36 am »
Jedi !
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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #189 on: June 21, 2011, 10:43:19 am »
Raised in a house where religion wasn't forced or common. My father is a Pantheist and my mother just calls herself a modern pagan. I often find myself following Pantheistic guide lines.
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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #190 on: July 29, 2011, 12:25:25 am »
Aleister Crowley

just kidding =)

edit: Crap, someone mentioned him just above me..
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 12:27:14 am by Tagora »
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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #191 on: July 29, 2011, 12:44:23 am »
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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #192 on: July 29, 2011, 01:20:01 am »
I like many of the morals and values that religion teaches and preaches, but I'll just leave it as "it's not really my thing". I occasionally find the need to pray, but I'm Agnostic.
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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #193 on: July 29, 2011, 01:26:25 am »

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #194 on: July 29, 2011, 01:41:39 am »
I worship the FSM (Flying Spaghetti Monster), so i am a Pastafarian.

Ramen to you good sir.

On a similar note, it is imperative to carry smoke bombs. Archers get confused because they're so ineffective that they pause to wonder why, so they end up being as effective as intended.