I have no specific religion.
I think all religions have many positive things.
But all religions have many negative things , that i don´t like.
So i decided to make my own religion.
If we know, that every human being should only be treated , like one self wish to be treated, than many things go right.
Respect each other , regardless , of his religion, gender, age , and so on ...
Face the other one with love and respect , as long , as he do the same to you.
First trust in the good of human being.
If one behaves like an elephant in a glass house , than he must learn from the reaction , that it is not good , how he behaves.
These simple things , need no religion.
There are religions , which says that they are the right , or the superior ones, against other religions, or no religions. Unbeliever are no humans or something.
This religions part the human beings in many groups. That is a bad thing. It´s not good. I don´t say a specific religion, cause people of this religion could be hurt ... that´s not , what i want.
I want these people to think about , if their religion is really better , or superior to others ...
They are not.
We are all the same. We are all human. We should treat each other with love and respect.
And we need no religion for this.