Part of the message that your spy delivered to you within an hour after I sent. Pushing back doesn't mean exterminating, you push (drive) things back if its invading your borders. Since your "friend" was ninja taking our fiefs we thought it was necessary to take precautions. Not to mention that we refused offers about invading Guards and HRE to leave our western borders to STR. It was clear to us that we would be the easy target after the fall of HRE, Fallen and Byzantium. We obviously had a trust issue due our past experiences.
Warning : Long Text
Unprovoked FCC attacks in Dhirim area
STR offers to Mercs troops to take down FCC
Mercs leave Burglen to STR
Mercs pay all of their depts to STR
after a long bloody war and endless flame wars
FCC decides to attack STR (with the support of Mercs) to leave Dhirim area
FCC brings Byzantium to Mercs teamspeak to discuss borders
STR_Han_Hanich joins merc teamspeak with a nickname of a Merc applicant
STR_Han_Hanich posts pictures of Merc Teamspeak, with misinformation : Ruconquista will attack 22nd with the support of Byzantium
Ruconquista gets wiped out from North West by 22nd
Merc receive Radoghir Castle from ATS and gives it to Ruconquista
Grey_Order comes with 14K troops to Tshibtin asks Mercs opinion about attack on Bandits : Reason : forum trolling
Mercs agrees to keep it quiet and suggests diplomatic solution with Bandits
GO defeats bandits takes Tshibtin (without diplomatic solution)
Mercenaries decide to take/buy Mechin to Bandits STR refuses
Mercenaries ask Burglen STR refuses
Mercenaries ask Tshibtin back STR refuses
Bandits join Wolves
GO never told that they sold Tshibtin to STR for 6K tickets. GO suggests its a misunderstanding between GO and Mercs.
Sword from Union and Nebun joins to Merc TS to solve the situation
Nebun clearly threatens Mercs if they choose an aggressive way to take Tshibtin the "friends" of STR will interfere.
Cicero works on fixing the diplomatic crisis between 2 clans
STR finally agrees to give Tshibtin back
FCC attacks on DRZ starts
End of Strat 2
STR takes Burglen (Merc claim)
Because of DRZ threat on TS and no opposition due CBA. Mercs start to defend neutral fiefs against DRZ
Since Mercs were aware of CBA plans (had an offer to invade HRE and leave west of Dhirim area to STR) Noc sends a message to opposing clan leaders
Kinngrimm forwards the message to CBA (wasn't obvious until Raven conflict)
Mercs cut all the ties with Wolves
Bashibazouk starts to sign up against Mercs due the format of the leaked message
Nords decide to stay neutral
STR_Han_Hanich connects to Merc Teamspeak, posts a Russian message to Noc
Message was mistranslated as "you are dead, we will fuck you up"
Noc insults Han_Hanich heavily
STR starts to sign up against Mercs
(Start of the Strat 3 flame wars)
DaveUKR finds these grudges unnecessary, offers neutrality (Ginger and Noc disagrees)
Bashi asks Yalibe and Ehlerdah for neutrality, Mercs refuse
DaveUKR and Noc connects to Raven TS to discuss conditions
Due aggressive way of the conversation Noc leaves the meeting
Noc listens the rest of the (Turkish) conversation from DaveUKR (conversation got aired to Merc TS via Dave's mic)
Since the attack on Mercs was an idea Mercs cuts off all ties with Bashi
Cicero insults Noc in PM and waves the flag of war
Raven takes Ehlerdah and Yalibe, Legio attacks Tshibtin. Drz attacks to Ushkuru and Amere
Kapikulu sides with Mercs after their defeat in Mawiti
Drz attacks Emirin, bug happens
Mercs don't sell the equipment they have received from the bug (the reason is known by admins)
STR enters the war against Mercs
Mercs keep fighting together with Ruconquista and Kapikulu against opposing clans (HRE, Fallen, GK applications to Merc roster)
GO attacks on Toshdar
Approx 15 battles in total with DRZ, STR and GO
Finally GO takes Emirin the final fief of Mercs
Going too far on Han_Hanich due mistranslated text (вам хана мы вас ёб....ем) it was unnecessary and I sincerely apologize for that, I got carried away. But he is one of a kind that I wouldn't want to have any contact.
Trusting GO and not sending a warning to Bandits
Defending STR against FCC at the very start, we should never interfere although we felt responsible to STR for their support at the start (which we had to pay back and leave Burglen) and we did not want our former enemies FCC right next to us.
Mentioning Cicero in the message that sent to anti CBA factions
Not terminating Jambi's membership from the faction when I became the leader
1 Posting Merc TS pictures on DRZ forums with the wrong information (attacks on Ruconquista)
2 Tshibtin problem (GO, STR)
3 Mechin problem (STR, Bandits)
4 DRZ threat in TS
5 Total dislike of the way that CBA factions play (had a conversation about it with oKin)
If anything is missing or misunderstood add it yourselves.
Good thing next Strat you dont have to worry about diplomacy, you pretty much fucked it up for your whole clan with your constant idiotism.
Total dislike of the way that CBA factions play (had a conversation about it with oKin)
Cry some moar, maybe if you actually were trustworthy, less abusive and extremely less butthurt... there would be actually more clans that would want too help you out. I bet next Strat alot more clans would want to wipe Mercs off the map. The sooner you guys are done, the less of your butthurt we will have to deal with.
![Cool 8-)](
Just some friendly advice:
Train your new members, and yourself.
Sit back, and keep quiet for a while.
Next Strat see if someone from your mass recruiting has a knack for diplomacy.
Get your whole clan involved into strat, instead of having them as grinders only.
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