Just started reading Richard Morgan's "Altered Carbon" a sci-fi/cyberpunk noir and a good one so far at that.
I'm anxious to read it, which is what I'm gonna do now. 
Phenomanal trilogy, second one is a bit poo but he really gets it together for the last book. The other really good book he's released was his first crack at fantasy with "The Steel Remains" gritty and shits over every stereotype typically attributed to the genre. Excellent read, bare in mind, however, while the lead character is an absolute battle-loving psycho (pretty much a fantasy version of Takeshi Kovacs) he is queer and there are some rather hard, gay sex scences. If this bothers you it may not be the title you're looking for...
...Although how a person could read pages and pages of ultra-violence, rape and general bastardry (tempered with pages and pages of head-melting intrigue and dialogue of course) which comes with all good, believeable sci-fi/fantasy and yet somehow be bothered about a little man love is beyond me...
On a final note avoid his other titles "Black Man" and "Market Forces" because compared to the Altered Carbon trilogy and the (soon to be) Steel Remains trilogy they are kind of shitty.
My 2c, enjoy the book!